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Apart from Cameron Diaz in There’s Something About Mary, name one time a cowlick has stolen the spotlight. No? We can’t either. Cowlicks–small tufts that grow in a different direction than the rest of your hair–often get a bad rap, being dubbed unruly or incompatible with bangs unless you want to do daily battle with your strands.

But that’s all about to change. The Hair Bros—aka hairstylists Nick Latham and Sean Paul Nother—are encouraging us to take a leaf out of their book and channel that ’80s librarian main character energy by embracing our cowlicks.

“There’s a common myth that fringes and cowlicks can’t work together–we’ve never believed in this,” Latham says, adding that at least a quarter of their clients have a cowlick.

In a new Reel, Latham can be seen cutting what he calls a brow-skimming “Cowlick Fringe” into long hair. Rather than weigh down the cowlick on the front hairline with a heavy fringe, the idea is to “embrace a cowlick’s natural lift” and blend it into the rest of your hair.

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“In the past—when bangs were perfect, straight and very blunt—a cowlick would cause chaos,” Latham tells Glamour UK. “But these days, when everything is softer and hair moves more, a cowlick can actually work beautifully with your fringe if it’s cut in the right way.”

Anne Hathaway is a case in point, regularly giving us a masterclass in the many ways to work a bang with a cowlick.

Toni Anne Barson/Getty Images

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