Your weekly horoscope is has arrived. It’s the final week of Leo season, so get your show pony on the road and put your inner child in the saddle! It’s the summertime of your life, and the spark at your center needs a sense of joy and creative expression to power through life’s challenges. Revisit what that is for you or explore new avenues that build on your sense of self-worth and pride.
Read your weekly horoscope below to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of August 14 through August 20, 2022.
Your mind may be on love or creativity, so why not blend both? Head out on fun dates, ask out that cutie, and look for the love and beauty that constantly surrounds you. You’ll see it in smiles, connections, appreciation, and the arts. So don’t join the lonely hearts club just yet if you’ve been pining for a bae. Or if yours hasn’t been revving your engine! Things might need to go back to go forward as the planet of growth is also backspinning through your sign. Center on your values and self-worth, then go from there.
One of the ways astrology reveals your destiny is by tracking your ruling planet. Yours, of course, is the bountiful Venus, the principle of beauty, arts, and pleasure. This month she’s in fabulous Leo calling you to host at home and spend a little hard-earned cash on glamming it up. The only thing is, Taurus likes to save more than spend, so find a healthy halfway point by lifting your D.I.Y game if you’re, well, game. YouTube tutorials were made for you. There are so many easy hacks to showcase your natural ingenuity and give you a big splash while saving cash.
Find pleasure in the local bookstore or library, or pull up a stool in your favorite people-watching spot as Venus pulls into your zone of local connections. Indulge your love of learning, and be sure to take in local art or shows. You never know, you might meet a new and glamorous friend or even the one. Your own charm is amplified while engagement can pay off, so less time on socials and more on your local network. Around Thursday is a particularly opportune time to expand your circle and pick up a lucky break or soul mate.