What do you want your year to look like, dear Aries? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you ask yourself tough questions in order to make the changes necessary for growth. They can also help shift your perspective to become the person you’ve always dreamed of being. Together we can find your highest vibrational self in 2022. 

Read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Aries. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope

Meghan Rose is a Los Angeles–based spiritual advisor, intuitive tarot card reader, and author whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at themeghanrose.com and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.

September 2022

Four of Swords: Aries, the month of September will ask you to consider slowing down, if not disengage all together, from your recent cycle. It seems like you’ve been hyper-fixated on something (or someone) to the point that you’re becoming emotionally exhausted. Now is a good time for you to give yourself a break so you can breathe and reapproach this with a new perspective. 

Have you been feeling worn down? Lost? Why not use September to get your ducks in a row? If you don’t sit the bench, you’ll never be able to play your best out on the field! Even though it may feel counterintuitive, sometimes it can help to take a little time away from fixing your resume, relationship, appearance, or what/whoever you’re spending too much time on. When you come back to it after a rest, you may have a fresh outlook that will allow you to move forward with more ease later on. Instead of pushing harder, this may be the time to sit back and trust that the Universe has got your back for once.

August 2022

Eight of Swords: Aries, the month of August is asking you to get out of your head and back down into your heart. Have you been overthinking lately about where you stand in your life, and with those around you? Consider letting go of the fear associated with how others perceive you. 

Instead, start to show up as the version of yourself that you’d be proud to show off to the world. At the end of the day, it’s more about what you did than what you wanted to do. You can only think about your dream life for so long without taking steps in that direction, my rams.

July 2022

Nine of Wands: Dear Aries, this month is going to bring you some challenges that—if you’re willing to take them—can lead to triumphs. Try not to let your ego get in the way of the path you take. It may seem as though you have your whole life planned out, but the month of July is going to throw you for a loop. You will have people, ideas, or opportunities that ask you to step outside of your comfort zone. You will be called to change your entire perspective on life in a big way from a certain conversation. You can look at this with fear, or you can take this with stride. You are strong enough to handle big changes, my rams!

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