If you’ve been waiting on an email, phone call, or response to a recent inquiry—expect that to come through in June. The kicker? It’s even better than you initially anticipated! Patience truly is a virtue, and once you master it, you will feel like you’ve unlocked life’s greatest cheat code. Relish in your blessings, Scorpio! June is going to be one for the books.
May 2022
Five of Wands: My lovely Scorpios, the month of May is going to be a time for you to reconcile with what being truly happy would mean to you. It seems like you’ve been going in circles with someone or something that just isn’t what you thought it would be. Instead of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, try distancing yourself from this person, place, or thing long enough to figure out what you’ve been trying to get out of the situation and start to finally give that to yourself. Fixating on a future that needs a detour from where you are now will only hurt you in the long run. Come back to Planet Earth and drop into your heart. What are you running away from? What painful wound still needs to be stitched up with your own love and attention?
You could also see seemingly random signs and symbols that are asking you to rethink your work. What about your current working situation could use a fine tuning? There is magic in your daily routine, but even more magic in learning when to let yourself be fluid and free of rigidity. Try to incorporate childlike playfulness into each day in the month of May. I see some of you purchasing paint, Play-Doh, bubble bath or bath bombs, or even something like a puzzle or board game that reminds you of your inner child. Do not neglect them any longer, and you will be pleasantly surprised by what is gifted to you when you follow your heart and bring more play into your routine.
April 2022
Page of Wands: The month of April is about to bring passionate new beginnings into your life, my Scorpion. Regardless of gender, this sounds like a knight in shining armor! You are going to be dealing with sweet talkers and romantics left and right. If you are not actively looking to spice up your love life, you may start partaking in reading romance novels or exposing yourself to romantic media. (Can I hear two claps for a good rom–com?) Let your guard down and learn how to love life again! More importantly, learn how to love love again. Don’t keep yourself in this rigid reality with a closed-off heart any longer. April will be the time for flowers to bloom and birds to sing, and that’s romantic enough in itself.
You are going to be creating deeper allegiances, not only to people but to habits in your daily life. If you start to focus on how you can live life from a love-centered space rather than an ego-centered space, you are going to be heavily rewarded this month. I also see any health issues that you may have improving; something as simple as regular bellyaches or troublesome skin problems could clear up. You are being called to spend more time outdoors; drinking more water and geting food sensitivity or allergy testing could also be very beneficial for you, Scorpio. Make time to prioritize your self overall. If you want something new, you must be willing to do something new.
March 2022
The Magician: Scorpio, it’s time to get vulnerable about the things you want out of your life. Instead of fearing how others will view your desires, speak them out with confidence. If you want a deep, mushy love story, then quit acting like you’re better off alone! If you want to feel safe and secure in a friend group, stop spending so much time and energy on people that put your nervous system on the fritz! If you’re ready to start expressing yourself and your creativity, use this month to get comfortable stepping out of your comfort zone with what you wear, the art that you create, and how you show up in the world.