“I need to get out of a toxic relationship,” Nicholas Hoult’s Renfield says in the opening moments of the trailer. The toxic relationship? It’s the one he has with his boss, Dracula. Renfield must do whatever Dracula asks of him, for better or worse. In between doing Dracula’s bidding, Renfield decides to be a hero.
Nicolas Cage and Nicholas Hoult as Dracula and Renfield. (Universal Studios)
“My boss gave me this power. In return, I tend to his needs, including care, feeding,” Renfield explains to Awkwafina’s Rebecca Quincy. Rebecca calls Renfield the “guy who gets the villains Postmates.” She’s not wrong. Soon, Renfield realizes if he stops focusing on Dracula’s needs, then his master won’t grow to full power.
But that realization comes a little too late. Dracula makes his grand entrance after being invited into his support group session. “Some call me the Dark One, others the Lord of Death. To most, I am Dracula,” Nicolas Cage says.
The Oscar winner does a complete transformation into the iconic vampire. From the pale skin to the sharp, fang-like teeth to pointed nails, Nicolas goes all in. Instead of the normal two fangs we see in most vampires, this Dracula has a full set of razor-sharp teeth. In the final moments of the trailer, Dracula levitates in front of Renfield’s newfound friends.
Nicolas Cage as Dracula. (Universal Studios)
The official synopsis for Renfield reads: In this modern monster tale of Dracula’s loyal servant, Nicholas Hoult stars as Renfield, the tortured aide to history’s most narcissistic boss, Dracula (Nicolas Cage). Renfield is forced to procure his master’s prey and do his every bidding, no matter how debased.