What does the year ahead look like for you, dear Virgo? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you find your highest vibrational self in 2023. Find clarity around which emotions and old narratives you need to clear out, and get clear on your intentions through tarot horoscopes.
Read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Virgo. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.
Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at themeghanrose.com and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.
April 2023
Temperance: Virgo, no longer will you have to be patient as you wait for the universe to bless you. It seems that you may have a new addition coming to your life that is going to feel like you hit the jackpot! So stay open and trusting for this positive occurrence. For some of you, this may be money related. You’ve worked hard to get your finances in order, and it’s time the universe acknowledges all of your efforts. Maybe you’re learning that when you allow your life to come into a sense of order and structure that you are not being punished, but pampered. And more time to spend with loved ones because you learned how to organize your calendar? Hell yes.
Whatever blessings come your way, do not let the world around you distract you. What works for one person may not work for another, so comparison will only rob you from joy, dear Virgo. Shut your social media pages down for a few days and learn how to be in this present moment. Let all of the emotions arise, let yourself go from the grips of competition with others this month, and just be.
March 2023
Strength: Dearest Virgo, I believe there is something massive coming your way. You have been sitting in the shadows of your own life, and it seems life is telling you “no longer.” If friends, lovers, family, or work relationships have felt undeniably difficult lately, this chapter is likely coming to a close in March. You may finally start to see how much space was needed for all of the blessed relationships that are headed your way. Think about it: If you got on a bus and every seat was already filled, you would step off and wait for the next bus to arrive. Without the universe making space in your life, your new friends, lovers, or work opportunities would have had to wait even longer to arrive! Now is the time that you can finally see that the wait is over, and your dreams are going to be actualizing in March and onward. I see community and spaces where you are surrounded by love, support, and admiration from others. Put yourself out there and do the uncomfortable things in order to achieve the life that you have been wishing for.
February 2023
Queen of Swords: It seems February is going to be a month filled with opportunities to share your thoughts and opinions with the masses. Be sure to put yourself out there and release the fear of looking foolish as you do so. We are all trying to figure life out as we go, so don’t get too hung up on the judgment and opinions of others as you follow your own unique path. Although you may struggle with perfectionism, you will benefit the most from living authentically, even if that looks a little bit messier than the path of those around you. Remember: When you place a tall order, it may take the kitchen a little bit longer to get your dish out. But boy, the wait is so incredibly worth it, Virgo, and you will see why this month!