If you’re feeling like you want to go through a total life overhaul—like a break-up, a friend upheaval, quitting your job, and packing your bags all at the same time—you would do better to sit in the discomfort and realize that certain aspects of your life are maybe not so bad. This perspective shift can help you help others at some point too. All of your struggles are not simply meant to punish you—sometimes they act as opportunities for others to show up and support you and put you in the role of the receiver…something that may not come so easily to you.
March 2023
Death: Cap, the Death card is not an omen of physical death; it more often represents the release of our cocoon that we’ve been tightly wrapped in, and it signals to us that we’re finally ready to fly. You are ready to fly now, Capricorn! Hit the switch on that decision you’ve been sitting on, and know that whether it goes according to your plan or not, you will benefit from knowing where you stand with the world around you more from taking action than you would from sitting, wondering, waiting, and wishing.
This is your time to shine, and it seems the first step to ensuring your success will be making sure you have your support systems in place. Check in with yourself: Do you need more community? Do you need mental health resources? Do you need more time in reflection? These things will crack your walls and bring your defenses down so quickly that when you get the opportunity to fly out of that cocoon, you are going to be so present and grateful that the wait will finally feel worthwhile. Love, money, happiness, freedom—they are all just a leap of faith away. This month marks the turning point for you, Cap.
February 2023
Two of Swords: Capricorn, you are standing at a crossroads, and it looks as though you might be making this much more complicated than it needs to be. If you find yourself wishing for a certain outcome in this coin toss that is life, you’ll benefit from taking steps (big or small) in the direction you are hoping for. If you have been feeling “checked out” from work, or it seems as if the biggest and best parts of your life are behind you, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable in order to reignite that spark of passion and bring a sense of fierce pursuit back into the equation.
If you’re struggling with your energy levels, you will benefit from hobbies like meditation, sewing, sudoku, ceramics, or writing. Doing something that connects your mind and body through the use of fine motor skills will help you to massage that overactive brain of yours. Even as an earth sign, you have a tendency to let your head drift off into the clouds, so now is the time to unplug and become more present. Who knows, these fun new hobbies may even become daily nonnegotiables for you going forward.
January 2023
Three of Swords: Dearest Cap, you may be experiencing a sense of loss this month. This doesn’t mean death or unemployment—it could be something as simple as feeling like you don’t recognize yourself at this point in your life. I sense a shift happening under the surface, and it’s going to take a big push on your end in order to get through this chapter. Ask others for help as you navigate these murky waters. Also ask yourself, “If I stop for a moment and figure out where I actually want to end up, would I still be going this same direction?” If the answer is no, January will act as the perfect pivotal moment for you to change directions and go toward your eventual goals.