You are going to be creating deeper allegiances, not only to people but to habits in your daily life. If you start to focus on how you can live life from a love-centered space rather than an ego-centered space, you are going to be heavily rewarded this month. I also see any health issues that you may have improving; something as simple as regular bellyaches or troublesome skin problems could clear up. You are being called to spend more time outdoors; drinking more water and geting food sensitivity or allergy testing could also be very beneficial for you, Scorpio. Make time to prioritize your self overall. If you want something new, you must be willing to do something new.
March 2022
The Magician: Scorpio, it’s time to get vulnerable about the things you want out of your life. Instead of fearing how others will view your desires, speak them out with confidence. If you want a deep, mushy love story, then quit acting like you’re better off alone! If you want to feel safe and secure in a friend group, stop spending so much time and energy on people that put your nervous system on the fritz! If you’re ready to start expressing yourself and your creativity, use this month to get comfortable stepping out of your comfort zone with what you wear, the art that you create, and how you show up in the world.
You will come out victorious in one of your endeavors. The universe is smiling down on you with the blessings that are about to arrive, but what fun is it if you can’t celebrate with the ones you love? Open your heart up to meeting the type of people that you’ve hoped for. Your goals and dreams don’t always have to stay goals and dreams, and I see these becoming a newfound reality for you if you’re willing to do the uncomfortable things: initiate, follow through, put yourself out on a limb, share your feelings at the risk of being hurt. The anticipation will be worse than the experience itself, so let March pleasantly surprise you.
February 2022
Six of Cups: Although it’s a new year, you may be revisiting an old chapter of your life this month. Think back to the time in your life where you felt most free and happy. Even if it was just a minute ago! Visualize everything that was going on around you and who was present—or acknowledge if you were alone in that moment—and truly let those feelings run through your veins as if it were presently happening. I want you to dive a bit deeper and ask that version of yourself, “What do I want out of this life?” That is what you should actively be striving toward.
For some of you, it’s going to result in a move; for others it may be dedicating time to an old hobby. Whatever this rediscovery looks like for you, go all in. You are known for your intensity, after all, my scorpions! What causes fear for you when you think of the term dedication? Do you fear that you will lose freedom? Control? Your free will? Get to the root of why you tend to push dedication and commitment away so feverishly. Even if you are committed to a relationship, your work, or your community, you may still have a lingering fear of commitment. The awareness of your own fear will be the first step in changing how much you allow it to control your life. February will be a monumental moment for you to see beyond what you know and step into what is true. New opportunities to partner (romantically and in business) will be presenting themselves to you. Do not settle once you open up to connecting more deeply with those around you.
January 2022
Knight of Swords: Dashing! Charming! A dream! I see people and opportunities rushing toward you left and right, Scorpio, and with good reason. You have been working through your baggage and making room for a truly magnetic version of yourself to arrive. You will start to see your external reality reflect your internal world throughout the month of January. For some of you, you may be upgrading your living space, job, relationships—or a combination of all three!
Whatever (and whoever) you feel most passionately about is moving toward you at lightning speed. Do not be alarmed if you get more than what you bargained for. Be clear with your intentions, and your needs are sure to be met, if not exceeded.
The only advice your spirit team has for the month of January is not to overspend. Try to have consequential thought with the outflow of your money, time, and energy. You are abundant, but your resources are still finite. Make sure you use proper allocation and invest your time and money into the right spaces, and you will be pleasantly surprised with the outcome by the end of this month.