Try to avoid escapism in April; this may show up in the form of video games, excessive TV watching, overworking, or doomscrolling on your phone. Put the distraction down and get yourself immersed in the present moment. Take time outdoors, spend some time meditating—even giving time to volunteering or to spend with children and pets could help you rediscover what life is all about. You don’t need to document every small moment. Your next great idea is going to come when you find stillness and silence.
March 2022
Eight of Pentacles: My lovely, charming Libras—what a month March will be! With the eight of pentacles, you can expect to grind a little bit harder than you see from other people. Whether this is your actual job asking you to put in overtime, or your doing deep inner work, just know you’ll be busy in March. At first this could cause frustration, but you’re the type to balance your hard work with pleasure and leave yourself feeling both ultra-rejuvenated and ultra-accomplished by the end. However you choose to rest, relax, and receive this month, make sure it’s keeping those scales balanced with all of the hard work you’re doing.
If you’re still struggling to see rewards for your hard work, March will ask you to take time with those who can mirror back all of your accomplishments that you may have overlooked. There is no shortage of strength in your story, but you’ve gone a bit too long without acknowledging yourself. Let others show up for you simply by asking. Never be afraid to ask for what you give so freely. It might feel good to give yourself permission to say, “I need a hype man sometimes too.” Lots of love, dear Libra! You’re doing great!
February 2022
Two of Pentacles: Libra, it’s time for you to make a decision between the life you’re comfortable with and the life you want. Regardless of how easy or accessible it is for you to stay in a cycle of “more of the same,” are you genuinely happy if this were to be how it was all to end? The month of February will have you questioning things that have felt second-nature to you for many years. Whether that’s close relationships, family dynamics, internal narratives, a job or career path, or beliefs that you’ve held onto tightly, expect your grasp on reality to disintegrate and be rebuilt from the ground up.
If you’re willing to face the initial fears of change, you will come out on the other side more deeply in love with yourself and the life around you. You may even end up moving, moving on, or moving up as a result. Embrace the motion, and watch your world become shiny and new again! The bigger the change, the better the result.
January 2022
The Fool: Oh dear, Libra. Life is full of mistakes, hiccups, and challenges. Don’t allow yourself to get swept up in thinking that the goal of life is to have it all figured out. You will always have a new issue arise as long as you are still breathing. The trick is to let go of thinking you need to solve that issue alone or instantly once it has arisen. Delegating tasks and responsibilities is a superpower, and this month will be all about time management and, more importantly than that, energy management. Remember that you are simply human. You can only take on so much by yourself!
If you have been looking for love, I see a very sweet—and potentially surprising—suitor arriving in your life. Let go of the expectations you had for what your perfect partner would look like, and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised with the way that the universe is unfolding. If someone can show up with honesty and compassion, and manage to make you laugh, give them a shot! For a currently partnered Libra, this will be a month for you to learn more about your partner and start to soften your edges within the dynamic. No one wins when shame and cold-heartedness are on the table. Either you both let your guard down over time, or it may be time to cut your losses. Inevitable ends cannot be avoided, and inevitable unions cannot either.