You are also doing deep spring cleaning on your social circle. Remember, it’s okay to feel lonely after cutting off the people who are weighing you down. Even though it’s the right choice, it can still register as wrong in your brain. Give yourself time to readjust to the new space you’ve made before filling it out of fear of being alone. You have so many people around you that admire you, so be selective in April on whom you allow into your home or heart. By the time May arrives, you’ll feel on top of the world with the people you’re surrounded by—if you can make the right choices this month on who stays and who goes.
March 2022
The Empress: My dear Venusians, the month of March is going to be all about settling into the reality that you want to create for yourself. Whether you feel like you’re already there or fear you’re still standing on square one, March may bring life improvements in all of the ways that you’ve wanted. However, as this is the third Major Arcana card that you’ve received in a row, know that these changes can happen in the form of big, life-changing events such as a job change, a move, a new relationship status, or for some a pregnancy. Whatever the case, your external reality is going to be mirrored by the relationship you have with yourself. As Joseph Campbell once said, “We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.” March will be about embodying this joy-filled energy. Try to make each day romantic by filling the 24 hours that you’ve been gifted with self-loving acts and more attention to the small details that make up your life.
My suggestion? Truly love yourself from head to toe. You can even integrate daily rituals and products that will remind you of how miraculous it is that you are here! And that you are you! Just like The Empress, you can walk around with your chin held high and your crown feeling shiny and new. Don’t deny how good it feels to celebrate each day; once this becomes your new normal, you may see your life transforming into something beyond your wildest dreams.
February 2022
The Devil: Ah, my dear Taurus. This year may feel as though it’s off to a rough and tumble start, but all of this is happening for you to finally wake up to your potential. That doesn’t need to look the same way as it does for anyone else—money, fame, success, marriage, luxury cars—but you should clearly define what a fully actualized life would look like for you, specifically. See if you’re simply following the herd when you ask for what you want.
Imagine a life where getting what you want, connecting with the right people, and making all of the proper career decisions came easily to you. That can be your reality if you start to cut down on all of the excess noise. Get comfortable with silence and solitude this month so you can invite your inner demons to the table—ego, shame, jealousy, guilt, spitefulness—and ask them what they are trying to tell you. If you can create a relationship with your shadow, you will finally be able to keep yourself from being controlled by it. Let go of life on autopilot and start to take control of your own destiny!
January 2022
Justice: You’re fired! Or hired! Whatever the case, pack your bags and get ready to start a new chapter. This isn’t just a new month of a new year for you, Taurus. This is a total 180 from the space you were in this time last year. For most of you, you will be asked to surrender more to the ebbs and flows of the universe. Trying to plan your life out without a guarantee not only wastes your time, but your energy as well. Let yourself get excited about surprises, as I see many of them coming your way throughout the year.