Start to walk around with confidence before anyone else has something positive to say. Do not wait on others to affirm your worth, because you are already worthy! The more you know this, the easier your best opportunities will come through to you. Try on a new pair of shoes, or cut your hair in a way that you never have before. You’ll start to see how tiny of a shift you needed to make in order to gain the attention of the right people. But honestly, it all radiates from within this month.
April 2024
Ten of Pentacles: You have worked diligently on getting yourself, your life, and your finances in order, but it’s important for you to remember that the cycle of life is never-ending while you’re in it. There’s something powerful about taking your days and treating them like rituals. You are not behind just because you have to tend to yourself, or certain parts of your life, more frequently than others may have to.
Instead, look at it this way: Your prescription in the present moment is to slow down, pour even more love into yourself more often, and let go of the more rigid aspects of your life this month. Trust that things are working out in your favor, even when you are not actively putting more effort into it or trying to control the outcome. Trust the process and the process will bless you this month in very unexpected ways.
March 2024
Three of Wands: You are a powerful manifester, Virgo, and this month you are going to see just how powerful you are. You have been trusting your process, putting in the work, and placing yourself in positions where others can notice you and your talents. No longer will you have to sit and wish for what is coming your way. This month is going to be filled with chances for you and your life to upgrade, and it’s going to go down as one for the books! You are going to be stunned by how many blessings are coming your way.
It’s important to keep this “shocked” feeling to yourself. Let the universe and the people around you see how worthy and deserving you are of these gifts. Walk with a level of expectation, peace, and trust as the goodness flows your way… the truth is, you truly deserve what’s coming your way! You’ve worked hard to get where you are!
February 2024
The Sun: It was Annie who famously crooned “The sun will come out tomorrow,” and that simple little jingle keeps playing as this message comes through, Virgo. Remind yourself to focus on the positive things in your life, as your brain wants to keep you down and gray. It’s normal to cling to the things that you’re used to, but life is trying to open up a bright new reality in front of you that’s filled with happy and fulfilling opportunities.
You have to use this month to organize your life and your schedule so that it works in your favor. Instead of waking up and grabbing for your phone, try a walk outside, your favorite kind of exercise, or time spent reading. Instead of saying yes to plans or people that drain you, send them to voicemail, RSVP no, or put your phone on Do Not Disturb. This month shows you that when you prioritize your peace, bountiful (and aligned) opportunities flood in to fill the silence.
January 2024
King of Swords: With this noble character showing up to greet you with a message for January, you can expect that new contracts, collaborations, and lifestyle changes of a positive nature are arriving! You are going to see that all of the hard work, studying, and skill-building you’ve been doing will pay off in a big way this month and beyond.