
Chloe SS25


After a late night of partying, the Interview team woke up bright and early to head to Chloe SS25, where creative director Chemena Kamali presented her boho springtime fantasy. After the show, Ines de la Fressange, Gabbriette, Pat Cleveland, Petra Collins, and Cole Sprouse had much to say about fresh suits, whimsy, wedges, and fashion exercise.


MEL OTTENBERG: I just love those asymmetrical shell earrings. She really understands the assignment. Wait, is that Ines de la Fressange? 

DARA: Oh my god.



DARA: What did you think of the show?

INES DE LA FRESSANGE: I loved it! I’m going to buy everything.

DARA: Which one’s your favorite piece?

FRESSANGE: The jeans are perfect, the jackets are perfectly cut. The plastic shoes, I love them. And the sneakers also—


DARA: Do you wear sneakers?

FRESSANGE: Yes, of course. 

DARA: Okay, love.


FRESSANGE: And I love the printed muslin that she does with flowers. 

DARA: It’s very hard to find a beautiful soft piece of fabric now.

FRESSANGE: Indeed. There’s a freshness like in the ‘70s. There’s a white suit that’s just perfect. Everybody should have one like that.

DARA: It’s a good era.

FRESSANGE: It was impossible to see her backstage, but I’ll write her a letter. That’s much better anyway.



DARA: What did you think of the show?

PAT CLEVELAND: I think a lot of the show.

DARA: What are you wearing? Oh, no. We’re fixing the shoe. And your bag, babe.

CLEVELAND: Oh, thank you so much. You know, I feel that all this whimsical stuff is really important. Because if we get too heavy and too serious, we can always look at that chiffon flowing and remember butterflies and nature.

DARA: We have to do our fashion exercises.

CLEVELAND: We do, honey. Snap it up, button up, put on your—

DARA: Oh, you have to do your belt.

CLEVELAND: I have to do my belt.

DARA: Do your belt.

chloe ss25


GABBRIETTE: I’m sorry, if they bring back those Chloe cork wedges, I will die. Remember the old leather ones?

DARA: Yes!

GABBRIETTE: I’ve been trying to find them for five years. So if you bring them back, send them my way.

DARA: I like this pirate boot.

GABBRIETTE: I love the boots but I want the cork wedge.

DARA: Wait, I like that you’re giving me pirate. 

GABBRIETTE: Arrr. Ugh, I’m hungover. 

DARA: Mood. We were both out late. I saw you there.


GABBRIETTE: How are you even here? I didn’t get one cigarette from that plate of cigarettes. Every time I would grab one I kept holding it with my drink so it would get soggy and the bartender was like, [in a French accent] “Your cigarette is wet.” Like fuck, sorry.

DARA: It was interesting that you couldn’t smoke inside, though there were so many.

GABBRIETTE: Did I smoke inside?

DARA: Did you? Are you a rule breaker?

GABBRIETTE: No… [Hits vape]

DARA: Okay, right. 

GABBRIETTE: Oops. I have to go to a fitting, I gotta go.

chloe ss25


LYAS: How was the party last night?

PETRA COLLINS: It was really good and I’m so tired I could die.

LYAS: What time did you go to sleep?

COLLINS: I went to sleep at a sexy 3:00 and woke up at a gorgeous 7:00.

LYAS: That’s insane, but you look fresh, somehow. She does, no?

TISH WEINSTOCK: She’s so fresh. She’s fresher than me and I had an early night.


LYAS: What did you think of the show?

COLE SPROUSE: It was stunning.

ARI FOURNIER: It was magical. She is the perfect designer for Chloe. Seriously.

SPROUSE: What did you think?

LYAS: I loved all the belts. And the volume. And the colors are so subtle.

SPROUSE: Do you like this? [Points to coat]

LYAS: I love it.

SPROUSE: Is it working for a men’s line? We’re trying to sell it. 

LYAS: It is. It’s very French, somehow. 

FOURNIER: They need to do mens.

SPROUSE: Tell Mel I said hi. 

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