March 21April 19

Your weekly horoscope is here. With the final eclipse of the year done and dusted, consider last week as a pivot point to either let go, shift, or embrace the new beginning. Take steps to ground this shift into practice, and make it stick. Midweek, mighty Jupiter, the planet representing faith, expansion, and opportunity, switches direction and moves into retrograde through February. Communication, ideas, or social connectivity are ready for review because growth must be checked, trimmed, and guided to avoid scattering your focus. In the sign of the twins, aim for two solid options and prepare for the next phase. Amidst so much rapid change, it’s time to catch your breath and get ready to skip ahead with your options. Set yourself up for big leaps and bounds.

Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of October 6 through October 12, 2024.


Growth in your knowledge base or local community is ready for some reconstruction. Take your wins so far and reinvest them into a project, course, or community venture (or adventure) for bigger wins later. You have plenty of time, as Jupiter, the planet of luck, takes a sabbatical (a.k.a. goes retrograde) through February 4. This year has plenty of luck and expansion ready to drop into your lap, but you might as well maximize your opportunities and, of course, create your own. See what sticks and go with it. Networks are particularly helpful, so cultivate them openly and take the high road in terms of how information is shared. Rule of thumb: Twinning is winning. Partner up if it feels right and makes sense on paper.

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As Jupiter, the planet of expansion, swings into reverse in your money and values sphere, it’s time to check the rearview and back up your finances. Retrogrades are best spent by reviewing and straightening up your aim and direction, as well as picking up anything that could use more work before moving forward—so you don’t have to go back and fix it again. No point in building a big pattern, like a Tetris set, if a few loose pins could collapse the structure. This applies to your knowledge, tech, or communication base, if that’s key to your earnings. Stick to your values, maintain clear ethics and principles, and people will respond to your strong character. What’s the best use of your resources? Do your research and plan during this period. Rule of thumb: Think big.

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