An easy dinner packed with colourful plants and leaves. You could make a batch of the salad by itself for lunchboxes, but the trout elevates …
Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS
Meera Sodha’s vegan recipe for beetroot risotto with curry leaf butter | Vegan food and drink
I ate this risotto at Rupa Bodhani’s supper club last year, and barely came up for air between mouthfuls. That might not have been an …
Rukmini Iyer’s quick and easy recipe for beetroot and celeriac gratin with goat’s cheese and walnuts | Food
I make variations on beetroot gratin all the time, and this one with celeriac, dill and goat’s cheese is an absolute winner. You’ll want to …
Nigel Slater’s recipes for beetroot and feta filo pie, and white chocolate and lemon truffles | Food
I can hear the church bells from the kitchen, even more so if it’s a fine Christmas morning and the doors are open on to …