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Not only that but Lopez herself acknowledged how uncomfortable it made Ben.

“I don’t think [Ben] is very comfortable with me doing all of this,” she said. “But he loves me, he knows I’m an artist, and he’s gonna support me in every way he can because he knows you can’t stop me from making the music I made…. He doesn’t want to stop me. But that doesn’t mean he’s comfortable being the muse.”

Lopez has sold her and Affleck’s entire love story to us, Amazon Prime, and whoever else signs up to her website. For her to be frustrated when asked about breakup rumors feels a little like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted.


You can’t encourage and allow everyone into your relationship when it benefits you and your career but then berate them for being invested when it no longer does.

Take Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes for example. The pair don’t appear on the red carpet together anymore as they don’t even want pictures of the two of them in the public eye.

That’s how much they value their privacy.

Yes, they are still supportive of each other’s ventures, but their boundaries are so clear I fear you’d get rugby-tackled to the ground before even attempting to pry further into their relationship.

Mendes even responded to a fan on Instagram who asked why she and Ryan don’t attend events together. “Like these photos I’ve been posting, I’m only comfortable posting because it’s already out there.” Adding, “By ‘not comfortable,’ I mean exposing our very private life that we value.”

I’m not saying it would be easy, but if Affleck and Lopez wanted privacy, they have enough to at least buy a taste of it.

Of course it’s understandable that, if Lopez is going through a rocky patch in her relationship, she wouldn’t want to discuss that with the world, regardless of how open she has previously been.

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