How to Approach Negotiating Your Salary (CBNC)

Try your network and ask someone more senior than you. Framing is key: You’re not asking how much they earn now, or even how much they earned in the past, but rather what they think the range for your role should be.

Managing Your Workload When Your Colleagues Start Leaving (Telegraph)

Make sure you’re not saddled with the work of colleagues who’ve moved on and haven’t been replaced. If that starts to happen, don’t take on the extra load and wait for things to reconfigure, because [you’ll] unlikely to be relieved of the extra workload later.

3 Ways to Discuss a Career Break in Interviews (Fast Company)

When tackling interviews, focus less on your time away from the workforce and more on how this time away has helped you grow, learn valuable skills, or helped you discover a new passion. Take some time practising how you’ll discuss this with recruiters.

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