Spring is objectively the best time of the year. It’s also the bane of my skin’s existence. But thanks to Starface Hydro-Star + Salicylic Acid, I finally have a leg up on the twists and turns of the season, since the acne patches can nix my breakouts before they become an issue.

First, some background: Between unending allergies, fluctuating temperatures, mask sweat, and acne-prone skin, my face usually can’t catch a break from March until mid-June. It’s basically one big rolling breakout. Thankfully, I now happen to work with some of the best beauty editors in the game, and they pointed me in the direction of Starface’s ever-popular stickers, which just took the title of best acne patches for this year’s Glamour Beauty Awards.

What’s so great about Starface’s pimple-shrinking protectors? They’re hydrocolloid patches, which are known to suck up inflammatory fluid from pimples, curbing my stress-induced popping habit in the process. These ones are also infused with salicylic acid, an acne-fighting active ingredient that can halt breakouts and heal blemishes faster by unclogging sebaceous glands deep within the pores. Their star shape is actually pretty important, too, since the pointy arm shape allows it to grip skin more effectively than a circle.

My 32-pack arrived just in time to rescue me from a few skin-busting curveballs. First up was a last-minute weekend trip home, which included eight-plus hours of bus travel. I was already nursing a pimple under my mask, but a Starface patch stayed on tight during the ride out of New York, preventing it from becoming a full-blown whitehead. The journey itself was bumpy (Easter weekend New Jersey Turnpike traffic ensured that), but hey, at least my face stayed smooth.

Before, feeling gross.

Jake Smith

After, feeling fresh.

Jake Smith

A few days after the trip, I came down with a nasty cold, which brought oily skin and restless sleep along with a runny nose—more bad news for my skin. When a little acne popped up, I dutifully applied a Starface Hydro-Star + Salicylic Acid patch and let it work its magic. Since my blemishes were covered up, I couldn’t pick at them to pass the time, which only added to my skin’s recovery. Lo and behold, my face survived the week with no major issues, a success I can only attribute to these pimple protectors.

Beyond the fact that the patches do away with breakouts, they’re also great at making me feel a little better about my skin. I’ve struggled with acne since middle school, and although the past year has brought pretty significant improvement, pimples are still a weekly occurrence. I’m working hard to be confident about my skin—years of absorbing messages about achieving perfect skin haven’t been great for my self-image, but these patches make it easier to feel confident in my appearance. Covered with a tiny blue star, acne feels almost like a badge of honor, not a source of shame.

I know I’ll be dealing with breakouts for the rest of time; it’s just how my skin is. But with these patches, I don’t much mind when pimples do pop up. They’re simply excuses to accessorize a little more—and within a day or two, they’ll be gone.

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