If you’re generally well rested, genetically well-rested-looking, and/or a makeup minimalist, finding the best undereye concealer might not be something you cared deeply about before becoming a mom. Yet, as the sleep deprivation settles in, the hormones rage on, and you worry that you might fling an organic-wood teething ring at the next relative or drugstore cashier who says “you look tired,” undereye concealer might very well become a daily personal-care necessity on par with toothpaste. It’s yet another “new-mom thing” you’re suddenly keenly aware of, along with ruched swimwear and supportive footwear. Even if you did use undereye concealer in your prebaby years, making yourself look alert is a whole new art form now that you’re a nocturnal creature. (Except you’re one that doesn’t rest during daylight, either.)
Whether you’ve found a great undereye concealer is another story entirely. Despite its being a makeup staple that has instant and undeniable impact, concealer rarely sparks passion the way a lash-boosting mascara or complexion-reinvigorating blush can. It’s utilitarian, all-business, the opposite of exciting to shop for or talk about over brunch. It’s so easy to settle for a “good enough” concealer—even when it settles into your lower-eyelid crinkles by lunchtime. And once you’re a mom, shopping around for the very best undereye concealer is probably not how you want to spend your brief slivers of free time. Yet it’s really worth doing a little research: These days concealers come in such a wide range of textures, shades, and finishes, and many incorporate skin-care ingredients like hyaluronic acid and antioxidants, making them an easy way to sneak in a boost for your stressed-out skin.
With all that in mind, we asked beauty-savvy moms which undereye concealer they reached for during the newborn years. Pair one of their picks with our tips on how to apply concealer the right way, and prepare to fool the world (maybe even your most outspoken relative?) into thinking you’re well rested. Sleep training will probably continue to feel like rocket science, but seamless concealer doesn’t have to.
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