With the advent of a child, a woman, as a rule, completely loses interest in the outside world for some time. Why is there an outside world – there is practically no time left even for oneself. Stress, chronic lack of sleep, new priorities and a bunch of pleasant and not very troubles that are repeated every day, do their job – at four o’clock in the afternoon, and the young mother is still in her pajamas, with a shaggy head and, of course, without a shadow of makeup.
Of course, if a woman has not yet recovered from the hospital or is under severe stress, then she is not up to her appearance, and this is quite understandable. But if day after day passes without incident, everything goes on as usual, and you are already tired of a house dressing gown that doesn’t fit your figure and is always stained with children’s regurgitation, then it’s time to start putting your life in order.
Organize your wardrobe
Even in the last weeks of pregnancy, it would be nice to take a detailed inventory in your closet. Remember that your waist will not immediately return to its previous state, so it makes sense to put all the “pre-pregnant” jeans that sit “in a slip-on” and frank fitted blouses into the back drawer for the time being. If time allows, go shopping: pick up a few spacious, comfortable and stylish loose-fitting items, giving preference to natural fabrics – silk, wool, cashmere. As for shoes, focus on comfort and a strong, stable shoe, because you will have long walks with a stroller.
Follow fashion
As you stroll around the area, pay close attention to the new arrivals in the shop windows. Now, when time is running out, you can arrange for yourself online shopping and, instead of flipping through endless catalogs on sleepless nights, you can immediately pick up relevant and fashionable things for yourself. By the way, it is very likely that the “second life” will be given to things that have been lying around with you since the past, so do not rush to get rid of old clothes.
Stylish accessories

If you opened the closet and still faced a disaster – nothing fits, blouses do not converge in the chest, jeans are bursting at the seams – then first of all exhale and calm down. Do you still have things that you wore during pregnancy? It’s okay if they serve a little more until you return to normal shape. Focus better on the details and accessories: earrings and rings, trendy bracelets and scarves, stylish hats and handbags will help you refresh your look and look your best. By the way, childbirth is a great occasion to replenish your jewelry chest, after all, you deserve it!
Think about everything in advance!
When there is a small child in the house, every free second counts. You will no longer have time, as in the good old days, to spin for hours in front of the mirror, picking up clothes and accessories. Therefore, make it a rule to devote at least five minutes a day to carefully planning your tomorrow’s outfit. Think in advance which clothes are best combined with each other, which handbag and which shoes will be appropriate in one or another version.
Don’t forget to be sexy!
Curvy forms of a young mother can look very seductive. Most importantly, remember that sexuality does not begin with clothes, but with your mood – down with a sour face, think about something positive, add a mysterious half-smile, and it will be difficult to take your eyes off you!
The most necessary and easy to use is, of course, lipstick and foundation (or powder), which will help to cope with signs of fatigue. Keep all this at arm’s length when you go for a walk. Let the most necessary cosmetics “live” right in the hallway, near the mirror. If there is still a minute left to apply blush, then we can say that the day was a success!
New Accessory
It may sound crazy, but look at how stars use their children as additional elements of their image. Of course, you, like any normal mother, your own child is a thousand times more important than any handbag or hat. However, on the other hand, there is nothing wrong with dressing your little one in fashion and according to your own outfits. After all, a small child absolutely does not care what he is wearing, but you will be much more pleasant if your styles and colors match each other. You can also choose a matching stroller and car seat. Of course, we all understand that this is an overkill, but if it helps you cheer up and be in shape, then why not? Also remember that even a hospital bag can be stylish.
How to choose and match clothes?
The size. Not accepting changes in the figure after childbirth, some women go to extremes. Someone is trying to fit into the old wardrobe, and someone, embarrassed by being overweight, buys things a size larger, hiding kilograms. In order not to look ridiculous, you need to buy clothes that fit your size. Even if you strive to lose weight and do everything for this. Wonderful! When you lose weight, update your wardrobe. But now it’s just the right size. Then things will sit correctly and beautifully.
Quality. It is important to pay attention to the material. It should not wrinkle, while it is easy to wash off. When choosing knitwear, pay attention that it does not stretch and keeps its shape. Cotton pants and trousers, despite the fact that they are made of the same material, will look different. Cotton with the addition of elastane looks very neat and comfortable to wear.
Colors. Practicality does not mean that colors should be boring and monotonous. It is important that they are combined with each other. But when choosing, for example, trousers, it is better to give preference to blue, gray, emerald shades than white.
Dress and sundresses. Pants are very comfortable, but nothing emphasizes femininity like a dress. It is also convenient because you do not need to rack your brains with what to wear it with. Do not be afraid that walking with a child in a dress will be uncomfortable. If you choose the right style and length, it will not cause problems. A wide skirt to the knee or just below is what you need. Maxi length looks great and stylish. But if the child is mobile, you have to run a lot, and the skirt interferes with walking, then it is better to refuse this option for now. But for mothers walking with a stroller, a floor-length dress or sundress is very suitable.
Shoes. Now in stores you can find a huge selection of stylish and comfortable shoes: moccasins, ballet flats, loafers, sandals. A wedge will always come to the rescue. It is much more comfortable than a heel, but it looks no less beautiful. There are many autumn and winter flat shoes that go well with jeans, trousers and skirts.