For others, you may be releasing a job or a home environment this month that is holding you back from living your life more authentically. Pat yourself on the back for all of the moments you’ve made it through difficult times in the past so you can reassure yourself that you can, in fact, do difficult things now. Change is always a tiny bit scary when it starts, but you’ve got this! You will see great results by the end of the year on your long-term goals if you can utilize the month of April for aligned change and transformation, Cap!
March 2022
The Chariot: My dearest Capricorn, you are moving forward at high speeds this month, and the only thing that can slow you down is you. If you are constantly getting in your own way with self-doubt and bad habits, your progress will be marred with unnecessary disappointment. You are being called to ask for help this month, as this may be something that you’ve struggled deeply with in the past. There are so many people around you that would be willing to lend a helping hand in your journey, but they don’t know that you need assistance until you ask. If you’re done with suffering in silence, you will be quickly met with compassion and support.
Have you been having trouble finding reliable social circles? When it comes to feeling left out, know that you’ve gone through the worst of it, and the universe is opening up opportunities for you to create more stability in your life. This seems to be coming through in the form of a new community, so whether you pick up a new hobby or join a group, job, or team, just know that you can depend on the people that are about to enter into your life in a way that may feel foreign to you. You don’t need to be on the defense anymore, Capricorn. It’s okay to let your guard down for the right people.
February 2022
Knight of Swords: Capricorn, who left that you weren’t expecting to depart so soon? This doesn’t necessarily need to be a recent departure; this could have been someone who passed too soon, a parent who disengaged emotionally or physically, a friend you broke ties with years ago. Whoever and however this occurred, your spirit guides are asking that you finally sit with the grief that you’ve buried for too long. Let yourself admit to your pain so you can finally heal from it.
There are new opportunities to let loose in the month of February and finally reconnect with joy again. If you’ve been feeling sluggish and uninspired, that will all change once new ideas and motivation come flooding in. You’ll find yourself more inspired if you can change up your routine, so try to break out of the monotony with outdoor activities, travel, and new activities that can lead to new friendships this month. Try to say “yes” as much as possible to adventure and excitement—you’ll be surprised with how much you enjoy the things you had previously written off.
January 2022
Four of Swords: Welcome to 2022, Capricorn! If you’ve been feeling stressed with money or movement in your career, this will be a month for you to reassess if what you’re doing is truly what you want out of life. If you’ve lost sight of your goals by moving forward on autopilot, then January will be the month to shake that all up. Ask yourself what your intentions are with your work, your finances, and your relationship to yourself. See where these answers overlap, and try to rewrite your daily routine to support this new vision. Remember: Success does not always mean fame and fortune. Sometimes it’s a sense of contentment and the absence of needing anything outside of what you already have.
If you’ve felt like you were struggling to find love, it’s time for you to open up to a different style of meeting and dating people. Step outside of your comfort zone, and try not to get too wrapped up in rigid rules. Look at dating as a fun way of getting to know new people rather than holding everyone to the same unrealistic standards. If you are currently coupled, this will be a powerful month for you to spark passion back into your relationship! Step outside of your relational comfort zone and ask your partner for new ways that you can love them in order for them to feel loved—and while you’re at it, share your insight with them, too! No one can lose with clear, open communication. Start this year off on the right foot, and set the people around you up for success by telling them what you want and need.