It was lockdown that forced many of us to find new ways to work out. For lengthy periods our favorite gyms and studios were out of bounds, and at its strictest, social distancing meant we couldn’t even work out with a trainer in the park. As a result, the world of at-home, digital workouts boomed.


While many of us have gone back to our old, pre-pandemic exercise routines, making use of digital platforms can still help us get it done, as Victoria Beckham showed on her Instagram Stories on Monday. The designer is currently on holiday, but continuing to work out remotely with her personal trainer, Bobby Rich, via video link on an iPad.

In a mirror selfie taken in a sleek gym (exotic exterior visible in the background), Beckham showed off an array of dumbbells on a hot pink yoga mat, and wrote that, when it comes to lifting weights, “it’s good to have options!” Beckham has been weightlifting for a while now with guidance from Rich. 

From increasing muscle mass and bone density to helping to lower stress levels, weightlifting is one of the best science-backed workouts for healthy body and mind. Plus, it’s also known to improve confidence, and a great form of exercise to try if you want to feel empowered and strong. And while (just one or two) weights are required, with the right equipment you can work out just about anywhere.

This article first appeared on British Vogue.

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