Your weekly horoscope has arrived! Since we’re in the season of the humble perfectionist, double down on a single essential task to get traction. Write an action plan, list off steps, and check them off. Your effort this week will create momentum, so continue to follow through for satisfying real-world results. Aim high while embracing the journey toward it.
Read your weekly horoscope below to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of August 28 through September 3, 2022.
Focus on communication in your one-to-ones; slow down and listen before jumping into action. Balance that with honesty about your own needs and thoughts. Do deliver it with a dash of Southern-style charm for best results. This is less about being direct and more about sharing harmoniously yet honestly. You might think you have all the answers, but right now someone else holds the key you may need to unlock your next step. Court and listen to expert advice. Over the weekend, a reset in your work and health zones means no shortcuts in any of these areas. A personalised detox of your body, mind, and desk will serve you well.
This week begins with a reset in your creative and romantic zone. Take the proverbial bull by the horns, and step up and out in a new direction. You’re a practical sign that’s not prone to merely dreaming, so set up your studio or dating plan. Your creative outlet or hobby needs to be a workhorse, so invest in quality materials that will last over time and evolve with you. Regarding leisure, fun, and intimacy, a yoga or nutrition class may be your idea of R&R, and that’s okay! Take a date, sign up for a series with your heartthrob, and get to know each other better over backbends or baking. Set out your intentions for these areas, and create a simple ritual to lock it into your nervous system.