Poetic and fluid, Brandon Maxwell’s latest debut is one that flips an uninspiring zeitgeist on its head and summons a more childlike agenda

Poetic and fluid, Brandon Maxwell’s latest debut is one that flips an uninspiring zeitgeist on its head and summons a more childlike agenda

Cue “Lavender Kiss” by The Licks.

Poetic and fluid, Brandon Maxwell’s latest Spring Summer 2023 debut is one that flips the American workaholic zeitgeist on its head and summons a more childlike agenda. Reminiscent of a type of innate childhood dream, though not without the beckoning of the darkness, or in this case the infusion of black. At first glance, Maxwell’s collection is comparable to his previous Spring Summer 2022 deposition, though this time with less texturing and patterns. In floral undertones and subtle hints of a lavender sky, a harmonious existence permeates the debut. Through delicate proportions, the looks translate into stunningly lean, draped, and relaxed silhouettes though one element is lacking, a beckoning for bold.

Yes, it’s a spring collection. With that arrives a color palette equally varied in: pastel with cream, pink, blue, yellow, mint,  and purple with the occasional streaks of black, silver, and gray. Through soft, intricate tailoring, sculptural shapes, accents, and voids, it eludes to Maxwell’s infamous ability to communicate timelessness in his designs, though an element of boldness is camouflaged. In some looks, darker shades are manifested, possibly to enhance the chromatic nature of the collection. However, whether it’s the flirty backdrop, or the subtle dismissal of a bolder allure, the collection is special in the sense that it does allow you the space to communicate your authenticity. Not overbearing or uninspiring. If the intention was to be light and to let you do the talking, he nailed it. 

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