Are you ready to step into your power this year, Capricorn? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you shift your perspective and make the changes necessary for growth. You’ve got this. 

Read on to see what’s in store for your sign in 2022 with your monthly tarot horoscope, Capricorn. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope

Meghan Rose is a Los Angeles–based spiritual advisor, intuitive tarot card reader, and author whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram and Twitter.

October 2022

Knight of Wands: Dearest Capricorns, October is going to be a month for you to step into your confidence and spiritual power more than ever before. If you’ve been feeling stuck in your manifestations or progressions, know that October is here to shift all of that back in your favor. It’s not about doing more in order to achieve more; it’s about doing less and getting the same or better results. For you, you will benefit this month by projecting yourself as the person you’ve worked so hard to become. No one has to know where you started or the mistakes you’ve made. You’re allowed to simply be the best candidate for a job, relationship, living situation, or lifestyle that you’ve dreamt of…NOW. 

Make a point to revamp your LinkedIn, dating profiles, or anywhere else where strangers could form opinions about you that you don’t claim. Remove, recalibrate, and refresh your sense of self by granting yourself permission to be seen through more loving eyes. You are the prize, Capricorn!

September 2022

Strength: My dearest sea goats, the month of September is going to help you see how valuable you are to the people around you, and it may only come from your absence. If you are moving away, starting a new job, struggling to get recognition at your current job, or feeling separation in your love life, I see this issue shifting in a positive direction for you in September. You shouldn’t feel the need to grind in order to make your relationships work, make money, or make yourself feel worthy. All of these things, when aligned, are intrinsic, and September will show you just how easy it is to have your life fall into place when you step back and trust the process. 

Your greatest strength can be your ability to trust yourself to deal with future issues if and when they arise. You do not need to preempt the future any longer, dear Cap. You are allowed to rest into the beautiful moment that is here and now. Congratulations on where you’ve gotten yourself in your journey so far.

August 2022

Ace of Wands: My Caps, August is brimming with passion and excitement! If you’ve been feeling stagnant lately, know that the end of the summer is going to bring unforgettable memories and moments your way. But remember, you have to be willing to do your part to connect with those you care about. Life is a bit of a dance, giving you chances and opportunities to put yourself out there in order to be warmly met with blessings that are totally outside of your control. You are being asked to prioritize fun, joy, and laughter in August above all else. What a homework assignment to receive! 

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