Before moving to New York, air conditioning was something I didn’t think about—I grew up in south Florida where I was lucky enough that central AC was as common in my home as orange juice and sunscreen. After 23 years in one of the warmest states in the continental U.S., I thought I would be able to manage the NYC temperatures my friends constantly groaned about every day once June rolled around. As the story goes, I was painfully mistaken: surviving the New York City heat and accompanying humidity throughout the summer isn’t just about stocking up on sweat-proof deodorant or breezy dresses—sometimes, you have to dive deep into #AirConditioningTok to discover the real life hacks.
Enter the Windmill: a window air conditioning unit that promises to cool your apartment faster than you can pour yourself a glass of water, thanks to a modern cooling system that doesn’t rely as heavily on traditional chemical refrigerants and a remote control app that allows you turn on the AC on your way home. Its sleek design follows in the footsteps of similarly-marketed products—think Our Place’s does-it-all pan or Balmuda’s steamy toaster—for people who want elevated but still accessibly priced home solutions for everyday living. The Windmill comes in two sizes that ring in at $365 and $450, respectively.
I discovered the Windmill AC Unit through TikTok, not unlike most of the purchases I’ve made over the last few months (Hello, Dior Lip Glow Oil! Nice to see you, Adidas Sambas!). My quest began in earnest after returning from a trip abroad mid-June, when the New York heat (well into the 90s, at this point) hit me like a ton of bricks—a stark contrast from the mild-to-warm spring temps I left behind. Within a day of getting home, the sweat was too much to bear and I haphazardly rented a barely dusted-off unit from the ‘80s from the super who manages my apartment. Spoiler: It did absolutely nothing for me. I knew I needed to switch it out and invest in a proper, modern window unit when I woke up sweating in the middle of the night.
With TikTok being my preferred search engine, it didn’t take long for me to stumble upon the Windmill. The app’s algorithm routinely spawns off offbeat home decor finds and life-changing supplies for the masses: Who can forget the pink-grout tiled side tables and DIY foam mirrors that popped up during the early months of the pandemic when people were stuck indoors?
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Unboxing and installing the Windmill
The Windmill comes in two sizes: small (6,000 BTU—a measurement term that describes how much energy is used per hour to remove heat from your home) and medium (8,300 BTU), each meant for cooling up to 250 or 350 square feet, respectively. I decided to commit to the medium-sized unit so I could move it to a larger space, like a living room, down the line if I needed to.