It seems September couldn’t get any sweeter for you all, but career highlights abound in the month of harvest too. Remind yourself: You have done the hard work to get the opportunities that are coming your way. Don’t fumble it by doubting your worth—you deserve this!
August 2022
King of Cups: My twins, August looks to be a month of revelations, and aha moments will abound! You are being blessed with the right amount of awareness to shift you into a more intuitive way of living. Can you believe how much you’ve been through in your life? And you overcame it. Remember how strong you truly are.
Also, consider letting yourself stop overthinking so much. What if you shifted gears into a life led by feeling for a bit? Is it a yes or a no in your gut? Let that be the indicator you need for the decisions you make this month. Even though you’re an air sign, you still have a sensitive, watery heart under that ribcage. I suggest using Lisa Stardust’s Love Deck this month for affirmations, spells, crystals, and other ways to reconnect with your heart’s ooey-gooey center. Let love guide you forward.
July 2022
Page of Pentacles: Gemini, you are ready to plant roots in this wild life and finally feel like you’ve experienced enough to commit fully to a path or purpose. If you’re still up in the air, sometimes we need to make decisions before we feel fully certain because the truth is: No one is ever 100% ready. Try to avoid waiting so long that the opportunity passes you by.
Now is the season to step into the role of student, whether this means putting yourself in new situations where you are inspired by others (in other words, try not to be the smartest person in the room anymore, my Mercurial friends) or taking classes to start honing new skills. Let yourself make mistakes and learn lessons in July! You are more likable when you put your ego aside and embrace your shortcomings.
June 2022
Four of Pentacles: Gemini, it seems that there has been a bit of closed-off-ness coming from you lately. Whether that’s a matter of the heart or the mind, this is your sign to let go of preconceived notions and open up to a new chapter! You are not meant to stay the same; you are a flexible and curious soul that does best when you’re seeking new experiences. There’s nothing wrong with craving expansion!
Now is the time to switch up your daily habits into something that suits the version of you that you are now. Regardless of who you used to be, take inventory of your current-day likes, dislikes, desires, fears, and dreams. Align more with what you want than who you have been. Only there will you find peace.
May 2022
Eight of Pentacles: Gemini, the month of May is going to ask you to buckle down and dedicate energy to what (or who) has your heart. If you’ve been putting off that bucket-list item, now is the time to go, see, or do it! Remember not to take your time on Planet Earth for granted; instead of putting pressure on yourself to live the life of your dreams, what if you got excited to live your life that way instead? Your mind is a powerful tool. Instead of letting it use you this month, use it! Gain control through mindfulness, bringing presentness to each moment and trying to sip in the beauty all around you. You are being encouraged to journal, spend time in nature, and volunteer in the month of May. You are ready to bring that future version of yourself to life in the here and now by doing these small actions. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was the greatest version of yourself.