Your weekly horoscope is here. With seven planets in retrograde, it’s sweet relief when Mercury decides to about-face on Sunday. Hands up if you’ve had blunders or obstacles littering your life like falling autumn leaves. I thought as much. Get out the rake and clean up; this is your time to begin moving forward. As the rest get back on track, things speed up and correct. Take what you learned or discovered and march on your long-range plans. 

Read your weekly horoscope below to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of October 2 through October 8, 2022.


Take note if your internal GPS has been on the blink or changing routes around work and health. Mercury, the planet of communication, has been retrograde in this zone and will move direct on Sunday, and so should you. Adjust your trajectory, and update your route to get you to new goals. Your work needs to fit for comfort as well as performance. If it hasn’t been, then you’ll know it by now; read the signs and make a move. Do take action, whether that’s a new job or tweaking the environment you’re already in. The moon is advancing toward full throughout the week; energy, passion, and tempers could be at maximum pressure. Find an outlet for it or harness the energy constructively as it’s in your sign of the ramalama Ram. 


Rethinking your mating and dating strategy? Your sexy, creative, and leisure zone has been host to Mercury’s retrograde, and as Merc’s turning direct on Sunday, it’s time to walk your talk. Dust off the guitar, meet people the old-fashioned way, or sidle up to someone you think would be fun to collaborate with for work or pleasure—preferably both! Share how you really feel, and don’t hold back; they’ll be bowled over with your honesty and might just reciprocate. No love bombing if you don’t mean it. If you’ve had time to reflect on past loves and where they went wrong, consolidate your epiphanies and finally move on to a new chapter. 

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