“There was no doubt in my mind that I was going to start another company,” Scott Sternberg tells Imran Amed, “I am an entrepreneur by birth.”

After departing Band of Outsiders in 2015, the acclaimed contemporary menswear label he established from scratch, the entrepreneur returns to the fashion industry with a new venture: direct-to-consumer brand Entireworld.

It began as a concept of a scalable, profitable brand that could reach more people than Band of Outsiders did. Going direct-to-consumer and streamlining the supply chain allowed Sternberg to focus a holistic approach to customers and media, which reaches audiences without the large-scale events and fashion shows that Band of Outsiders was known for.

He describes his learnings from Band of Outsiders as essential to creating Entireworld’s message and content strategy. “I’m trying to create a meaningful brand, that has legs and is going to be around for a while and that people really love,” says Sternberg.

In the latest episode of Inside Fashion, the entrepreneur talks to Imran Amed about his evolution at label Band of Outsiders, the reasoning behind building a direct-to-consumer business from scratch, and the importance of physical retail in a mobile-first world. Read BoF’s exclusive interview and watch the video here.

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