According to Dr Tom Waller, who runs Lululemon’s research and development arm, Whitespace, touch is one of the least understood of the five senses. And yet, touch can be transformative.
“Not just the brain, but the entire nervous system and behavioural psychology, is directly related to this thing called the science of feel,” said Waller on the stage of VOICES, BoF’s annual gathering for big thinkers hosted in partnership with QIC Global Real Estate. “There are tiny nerve endings — 3,000 pressure sensors — that work as motor controls. When you know about those, then you can start to think about hacking them. If you can hack touch, then you can start to achieve some really, really interesting things.”
To learn more about VOICES, BoF’s annual gathering for big thinkers, in partnership with QIC Global Real Estate, visit our VOICES website and click here to request an invitation to attend.
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