Your weekly horoscope is here. Some of the best cosmic skies’s launch this week, so hit the ground running with a wildly positive, can-do mindset. Expand on what you think is possible, and you’ll be nearer your goal, don’t be shy; give it a try! Then follow on with tangible action because this season, where the mind goes, energy flows. Relationships and friending are rose-tinted as Venus, the planet of amore, heads into Pisces, the sign of universal love; so if you need a reason, ’tis the season.
Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of January 22 through January 28, 2023.
The pleasure principle (Venus) fluffs up the pillows in your Zen den for the next few weeks, so why not give your bedroom or meditation nook a makeover. Even if that’s ambient lighting, flowing feng shui, or a well-placed crystal, add beauty and attend to how the space feels. Keep the aesthetic appeal strong with a bedside journal you’ll enjoy recording dream snippets in. Let the feeling and images surface before bounding out of bed and firing up the coffee machine. Revelations are valuable, so note what insights dawn.
Your sign is associated with the pleasure-seeking planet Venus, and this week she moves into your zone of friendships and groups. When invitations come in, accept them. Send some out to your favorites. Get out to a creative class and be with people that share an interest. Actress-activist Jane Fonda’s advice is to state your aim when meeting someone you’d like to see more often. Let them know you intentionally want to be their friend. On the same note, this is also an excellent time to meet a romantic interest in that dance or art class you’re trying out!