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Below, 25 things to know about Team SG’s Kelci Taylor:
1. I’m from a town in Michigan called Holland.
Every year there’s a tulip festival called Tulip Time. Kids walk in parades, there are marching bands, traditional Dutch dancing, carnival food.
It’s the best.
2. Yes, there were costumes.

3. I spent my summers on the sandy beaches of Lake Michigan.
And if you come at me with a snarky comment about how they’re not really “beaches,” I will come for you.
That is, after I send you links to all of Tim Allen’s Pure Michigan commercials – this one features my hometown lighthouse!
4. As a kid I was a total tomboy.
I loved Umbro shorts and oversized shirts. All my friends and I were athletes. Then, one day a switch flipped and suddenly she was a fashion girl.
5. I’m a dog person.
Allergies and their general vibe keep me away from cats.
6. My first job was at a coffee shop in my hometown.
I absolutely loved being a barista. It was the beginning of my coffee education. These days, I take my hot coffee black and my iced coffee with just a hint of half and half thank you very much.
7. In high school, I wrote a fashion column for the school newspaper (shoutout to The REaD Voice).
One article that stands out in my mind? An ode to quarter-zip sweaters for guys. I stand by it!
RELATED: SG’S Ultimate Guide to Guys’ Sweaters
8. I spent five years in Chicago for college and then some.
The time solidified my love for the Cubs, and gave me my first taste of city life.
9. I’ve been Brooklyn-based since January 2012 but had never set foot in the borough before I moved here.

And I’d only been to NYC for the first time three weeks prior to the move. Why dip your toe when you can jump in headfirst?!
10. I’ve had a version of bangs no less than five times in my life.
I swear, the last time really was the last…probably.
11. I loooove college football and basketball.
The return of March Madness this past spring was truly a blessed event.
12. Reading is my favorite way to pass a commute, or spend a few hours in the park.
Last year I read 39 books and this year I’m shooting for 44. There are, at minimum, five stacks of unread books in my apartment at any given time.
13. More book talk? More book talk!
A few favorites include but are not limited to: Homegoing, A Place For Us, Station Eleven, Everything I Never Told You, Middlesex, The Vanishing Half and soo, so many more.
14. Thanks to Drive to Survive on Netflix, I’ve become obsessed with Formula 1.
I basically won’t miss a race. The drivers are great, but the team principals are the real reason I tune in.
15. I could get into a lot of trouble with thrifting and vintage shopping.
One of my all-time best finds is a 1960’s-era faux fur jacket I got for just $35 from a Salvation Army in Dallas, TX.
16. Speaking of Texas, I love that place.
Unfortunately, I don’t like the idea of owning a car anytime soon, and I absolutely cannot handle the heat. So: great to visit, not for me to live there.
17. Some of my most vivid childhood memories are of clearing the table after Thanksgiving dinner and poring through J.Crew catalogs to make our handwritten Christmas lists with my older cousins, who were SO cool.
18. My red hair isn’t natural, but eight years has to count for something, right?

19. The thought of low-rise jeans coming back has me shaking in my boots.
20. I was included on a list of Hinge’s most eligible New Yorkers in 2017. Embarrassing, but also an honor?
Still… eligible.
21. Speaking of dating, the celebrity crush that I can’t quit is Dev Patel.
The man had a GLOW UP since Skins!
He’s got that scruffy beard, long hair and BOY does he look good in a suit. We met once and I made him laugh. I still think about it.

22. In my last full-time job, at Saks Fifth Avenue, I moonlit as a foot model for our shoe section-dedicated Tumblr. You’d have to scroll back a long ways to find me.
That is, if it’s even still live? Is Tumblr still a thing does anyone know?
23. Growing up I hated missing an episode of TLC’s What Not To Wear.
I loved the way Clinton and Stacy educated their clients on things like proportions and the merits of tailoring. That show is definitely one of the reasons I’m doing what I do today.
24. One of my biggest fashion pet peeves is seeing people walk around with the stitch still in the vent of a blazer or coat!!
I consider an ambush EVERY TIME, maybe I should start a Billy On The Street type show about it…
25. In addition to helping Style Girlfriend clients secure their perfect wardrobes, I also have a side hustle for the ladies!
I started Get Taylored after years of helping friends and family out with fashion related quandaries. So, if any of the ladies in your life need some style support, send ’em my way.

Ready to upgrade your personal style?
Enlist Kelci or another member of Team SG to shop for you!