what is my moon sign? collage of images

Have you ever asked yourself, “What is my rising sign?” Even those who don’t check horoscope dates regularly have a vague understanding of their sun sign, which is the 12 zodiac signs determined by the day you were born. But have you used a rising sign calculator before? Maybe not.

It’s okay if you don’t know your rising sign—that’s why we’re here—but it is something I can almost guarantee you’ll be asked about at some point in your life. More and more people are catching on to the value of self-reflection through astrology, which means knowing your natal placements (that is, the placement of the planets when you were born) has been increasingly popular. And asking others about their zodiac chart can add valuable insight into your shared relationship whether with family members, friends, romantic partners, or coworkers. 

You’ve likely heard before that Capricorns are ambitious, Scorpios are passionate, and Gemini are adaptable—but did you know that these traits can actually be more indicative of their rising sign than their sun sign? Here’s how to find your rising sign.

What is your rising sign on a birth chart? 

Your rising sign is the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. Imagine you were born on September 8 and everyone always put you into a box using your sun sign: critical, analytical, perfectionist Virgo. However, you always felt like more of a deep-feeling, irrational, and dreamy type of person. That may be due to your Pisces rising! This is why it’s important to know and acquaint yourself with your rising sign, as well as the rest of your planetary placements like your moon sign, in order to get a full understanding of who you truly are and your compatibility with other signs of the zodiac.

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What Is My Moon Sign?

Knowing can help you better understand who you are and how you approach life.

How do you calculate a rising sign?

Your rising sign, also known as your ascendant sign, is calculated using the exact time of your birth on your birthday. There are many free sites that offer a rising sign chart, including this one. If you don’t know the exact time you were born, it’s not possible to accurately calculate your rising sign because it changes every two hours. So double-check that copy of your birth certificate for an accurate astrology chart! 

Does your rising sign matter?

Because the rising sign changes every two hours, it’s a much more personal placement than your sun sign, which changes every 28 days. Your rising sign is also important because it dictates what sign each of the 12 houses in your birth chart will be ruled by. So your rising sign rules your first house, and each house is then filled by the chronological zodiac signs that follow. An example of this: An Aries rising will have their first house ruled by Aries, second house ruled by Taurus, and so forth. The houses in astrology dictate different areas of your life, meaning that their ruling sign can influence everything from our sense of self to our deepest secrets, our family life, and every detail in between. Can one placement really hold that much power, you ask? It can and it does! 

What does your rising sign mean?

Your rising sign can influence everything from your appearance to your personality to how you approach certain situations in life. So much so that your rising sign is a good indicator of how others perceive you, especially as you get older. Historically, a lot of people have considered the rising sign to be the mask you wear in the world, but it’s more accurate to describe your rising sign as the window into who you are. Why? Because your rising sign’s energy is the initial approach you have toward others and the world around you. In short, it’s a clue into what kind of first impression you make.

This means it has an important influence over the personality, self-image, and approach to life for each sign of the zodiac—something that should not be overlooked or underestimated! And, as the part of your birth chart that changes the most frequently, it’s the rarest of your placements. So be sure to pay close attention to your rising sign’s energy.

What are rising sign traits?

Aries rising: As a cardinal fire energy, this bunch is blessed with innovation, bravery, and an uncanny ability to step outside of their comfort zone. Aries-rising folks do well in scenarios that ask them to lead. Think management roles at work, becoming the decision maker of a friend group, or being the initiator in relationships. They are disdainful of those who imitate or follow the herd, as they cannot see the value in such an approach to life. It may be difficult for them to listen to others, which can make it hard to fit in during certain chapters of their life. Some may call them naive, but they tend to be ahead of the curve when it comes to trends and risk-taking. These folks can dance the line between being selfish and self-reliant and do well to partner with patient types as friends, lovers, or business partners—someone who will understand their sometimes brash nature. Aries-rising people mean well; most of their perceived tactlessness is reactionary behavior that helps them to put up a guard and hide their vulnerable underbelly just long enough to get them where their heart is laser-focused on going. They thrive on freedom and independence; so if they cannot work their way into the role of a leader, you may find them walking through life as a loner.

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