ace of swords tarot card

Are you ready to live your best life this year, dear Gemini? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you ask yourself tough questions and find your highest vibrational self. Are you ready to finally heal your core wounds? See what the future holds and shift your perspective in 2023 through tarot horoscopes. 

Read on to see what’s in store for your sign in the year ahead with your monthly tarot horoscope, Gemini. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope

Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.

May 2023

Ace of Swords: Gemini, this month is going to have some of you starting brand new in terms of work. Whether you stay with your current role or not has very little to do with this change. Your mindset is shifting, which means the way you think about and discuss your work may start to drastically shift your reality. So own the stage of life that you are at rather than spending all of your precious time and energy yearning for what may be. You have a tendency of spinning your wheels on imaginary issues, when you could just get present and grounded and start to enjoy yourself.

For some of you, this will come in the form of a weekend trip away or even a full-blown vacation to somewhere new. When you are in environments that are removed from your day-to-day tasks and routines, you can finally see what’s working and what’s not. This may allow you to come to terms with where you’re holding yourself back and where you can pivot from external blockages. Start to track how you feel after you engage in certain activities or relationships to get to the bottom of this more quickly. May will be an eye-opening month overall, and you may see new contracts, relationships, or opportunities to be knocking on your door before the month ends. This may even be an early birthday present of sorts, literally or figuratively from the Universe, for you to enjoy!

April 2023

Page of Pentacles: Gemini, I see the month of April marking the first chapter of the book that is your life. It seems many of you have finally released your tight grip of control and realized that more happens in life when we stop trying to micromanage everything and everyone around us. Congratulations! 

With the Page of Pentacles showing up, know that when the sun shifts into Taurus on April 20, you may be gifted the opportunities to break out of work cycles that no longer feel good. Remember, it’s better to walk away from things that don’t align with you, even if you’ve spent time building them, than it is to keep chipping away at misaligned things. There is no better time than the present to consider taking a leap of faith into the work life you truly desire. It’s okay to start anew at any time, whether that’s now or in a few months. Whatever you decide, just remember that you deserve to be happy with the things you spend your time and energy on.

March 2023

Temperance: Balance is calling your name, Gemini, and it’s time for you to finally answer the call. If you feel that most of your daily habits are based on rigidity (rules, discipline, and harsh criticism) from yourself or those around you, the month of March is going to be a powerful time for you to cultivate more gentleness into life. You may find that trying out yoga, arts and crafts, or rest periods will truly benefit your quality of life. Treating yourself the way you always needed to be treated as a child is going to be the most powerful shift you can implement into your routine. Not more work, not more restrictions, not more suffering. 

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