But from the looks of it, she’s gone much blonder this time, as evidenced in Instagram Stories she’s posted since yesterday.
Instagram/Jennifer Love Hewitt
“So far we’ve done two appointments to get her to where she’s at now,” Lee says, adding that Hewitt had layers of dark color on her hair. “It was important to her and me both that we keep her hair healthy. We’re both loving where she’s landed in this honey golden stage, but are excited to continue to brighten up.”
This actually isn’t the first time Jennifer Love Hewitt has gone blonde. She gave it a try in 2014 and then again in 2018 and 2020. I must have just blocked it out. This time around, however, I’m embracing change, and I’m even considering taking the photo above to the salon for a break from my usual brown, too.
This post was originally published in Allure.