Lizzo isn’t buying into weight loss culture that encourages “escaping fatness,” and you shouldn’t, either.
On Monday, the “Juice” singer stitched a TikTok from creator @tiffriahgrande which addressed the experiences of plus-sized people in the fitness world—specifically, the judgments from onlookers who assume their only fitness goal is to lose weight. It isn’t, and Lizzo had a lot to add to the conversation.
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In her video, @tiffriahgrande says that a plus-sized person should be able to exercise without the assumption that they’re trying to be thin. That line resonated with the Yitty founder and she boldly echoed it. “Heavy on the not trying to escape fatness. Heavy fucking on it,” she said in her stitched video.
She added, “I think a lot of people see a fat person that way and immediately just assume everything they are doing is trying to be thin. I’m not trying to be thin. I don’t ever want to be thin.”
Lizzo goes on to explain how physically demanding her “high-performance” job is, but underscores that she’s never trying to lose weight—even when she’s on stage dancing, singing, and playing the flute for 90 minutes. Instead, she calls her approach to fitness “holistic”—and is mindful to avoid the phrase “health conscious,” which has long been used to disparage people’s weight under the guise of expressing concern for one’s health.
“Embracing the fact that your body changes, that’s a part of it, and making sure that [the mind] is what we have the power over. Everything I eat, everything I do, every time I move my body, it’s all for [my mind and happiness].”
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More than anything, Lizzo wants to squash the narrative that plus-sized people only work out for weight loss.
“I just wanted to stitch this to show support to you because this creator specifically said I’m looking for people that I can resonate with. Very, very same.”