Garner and her three children in 2018

Jennifer Garner called parenting a “mess” and a “gift” during an interview with Abbot Elementary‘s Sheryl Lee Ralph for Variety‘s Actors on Actors series. 

“We have so many things in common,” Ralph told Garner during their conversation. “With all the celebrity and all of that, I feel like I have a very normal life, and I think you have that similar sort of vibe. And we love our kids.”

“And all the mess of parenting,” Garner replied, “it’s a gift.” 

Ralph, 66, has two children with her ex-husband Eric Maurice: Etienne, 31, and Ivy-Victoria, 28. Garner, 51, has three children with her ex-husband Ben Affleck: Violet, 17, Seraphina, 14, and Samuel, 11. Garner and Affleck make a concerted effort to keep their children largely out of the spotlight. 

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“And both of us having gone through divorce,” Ralph continued. “You did something that I did as well—maintain a healthy relationship with my ex for the health and well-being of my children. With the spotlight on us all the time, sometimes that can be difficult.”

Garner and her three children in 2018

Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images

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