March 21April 19

Your weekly horoscope is here. Kicking off the week on a fresh lunar cycle means taking action on at least one step toward a goal and getting it to roll. Build momentum by picking up that pen, a mic, or calling a friend or family member for ‘that’ conversation. On Thursday, the sun switches gears with the summer solstice, just in time for cuddly Cancer season. Spend time with your chosen/family because this sign is ALL about close, nurturing connections. And food, gather them in and celebrate with a feast. Feather your nest and make it comfy for guests; as Italians say, my home is your home!

Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of June 18 through June 24, 2023.


Grab your sparkly pens and manifest your desires as the new moon ignites a fresh cycle in your zone of local connections this Sunday. Yes, it’s time to unleash your writing prowess, whether scribbling down notes, embarking on a memoir journey, or crafting a spice-filled meme-moir (who said it’s not a word?). The key is to keep it swift and sizzling. Network! Reflect on the kind of community relationships you’d like to cultivate or how you can shine in your interactions within your area. Visualize how you can maximize the potential of your location by sharing captivating stories and connecting with influential contacts. Don’t forget to gather those digits— you never know when they might come in handy! As the week progresses, your domestic realm takes center stage, so channel your energy into creating a welcoming space for friends and family. Embrace the joy of hosting and let your home become a hub of love, laughter, and hugs. 


Ink your intentions and unleash your financial mojo as the new moon resets in your zone of money and values. This alignment of the celestial celebrities (aka the sun and moon) sets the stage for a fresh cycle of abundance and prosperity. Envision the financial stability and success you desire, and let the universe know you’re ready to receive. As the sun shines its light on the sphere of local connections, it’s a reminder to tap into the power of your community. Network, collaborate, and build relationships with those in your immediate surroundings. You never know who might be key to unlocking new opportunities and ventures. Share your expertise, exchange ideas, and showcase your unique talents within local circles. This harmonious blend of financial manifestation and community engagement sets the stage for a prosperous and fulfilling chapter. So, put your money mindset into action and let your connections fuel your growth.

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