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In 2022, more Colleen Hoover books were sold than copies of the Bible. That same year, she simultaneously held six of the ten positions on The New York Times’s paperback fiction best-seller list and released two new books while working on several more novels set to be released over the next few years.

With no experience and no connections in the industry, Hoover took a chance on herself and self-published her first novel, Slammed, in 2012. Twelve years later, she’s outsold many of the world’s most famous authors, has a feature film in the works starring Justin Baldoni and Blake Lively, and become one of the most popular authors on BookTok. And Hoover’s massive catalog of novels is still ever-expanding. (As of this year, she’s released 27 novels.) 

With so many options, it can be daunting for new CoHorts to choose what books to read (and in what order). To help, we ranked all 27 of Hoover’s novels according to their ratings on book website Goodreads’ five-star system—organized by series and then standalone books. Take it from us: Start with the best from each list. You’ll be so hooked, you’ll find yourself adding the rest to cart in record time.

Colleen Hoover series, ranked 

The Hopeless series: Average rating, 4.2 stars 

Hopeless — 4.27 stars 

The first novel in the series, Hopeless has everything YA romance fans could want: a persistent pursuit, desperate longing, a dark secret. One reviewer called this love story between high school senior Sky and brooding bad boy Dean Holder “beautiful, heart-wrenching, and uplifting,” while another said the steamy novel was in a class of its own. In 2014 it was rumored that Hopeless would be turned into a movie, but that has yet to come to fruition almost 10 years later. 

“Hopeless,” by Colleen Hoover

Losing Hope — 4.22 stars

Losing Hope is less a sequel and more a retelling of Hopeless from Holder’s point of view. This novel gives readers new insight into what was going on in his head during the first novel and more context as to why he acted the way he did….

“Losing Hope,” by Colleen Hoover

Finding Cinderella — 4.07 stars

While this novella could technically act as a stand-alone book, the context provided by the previous Hopeless novels brings this story added depth (and meaning!). Finding Cinderella delves into the story of Daniel and Six, the best friends of Hopeless main characters Holder and Sky. We won’t give too much away in terms of the plot, but readers did say this novella made them feel more than entire books.

“Finding Cinderella,” by Colleen Hoover

All Your Perfects — 4.11 stars

Readers say this novel in the Hopeless series gave them “emotional whiplash” and reminded them why they read romance in the first place. While Graham and Quinn may have the perfect love story on paper, their imperfect marriage leaves a massive gap between them. Are the two able to overcome years of pent-up anger and unsaid secrets? You’ll have to find out for yourself.

“All Your Perfects,” by Colleen Hoover

Finding Perfect — 4.18 stars

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