judgement tarot

What do you want your year to look like, dear Aries? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you ask yourself tough questions in order to make the changes necessary for growth. They can also help shift your perspective to become the person you’ve always dreamed of being. Together we can find your highest vibrational self in 2023 through tarot horoscopes.

Read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Aries. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.

Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at themeghanrose.com and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.

December 2023

Judgment: This month will give you an opportunity to release your harsh criticism of yourself and others and finally see the world for what it truly is. You may have been caught up lately in thinking that everyone else is the problem, but December will help you soften your rigid edges and drift into a state of acceptance. It’s necessary for you to remember that you have the option to engage with most people, and your expectations of where someone *should* be on their life path is only causing you suffering. Let yourself be more gracious and you will realize how little in your life truly needs to change… other than your attitude.

November 2023

the fool tarot card

The Fool: If you were wondering when it was going to start to feel like things were falling into place, November is the month that everything starts to come together for you! You are willing to bet on yourself and take the proper risks in order to bring your dreams to life, and the Universe is noticing this shift within you! Each time that you step outside of your comfort zone and show up for yourself, you will find that you are heavily rewarded. This may come in the form of money, opportunities, new friends, or even love if you’re looking for it! It seems like the “jackpot” is happening around the time that Sagittarius season starts on the 22nd, giving you a chance to reignite your passions and put your motivation into overdrive. It’s okay to take breaks, too, but if you have the extra energy to get out there and live… November is the time to do it!

October 2023

page of pentacles tarot

Page of Pentacles: This month, Aries, you’re embracing your role as a student to life. No longer are you allowing yourself to get swept away in issues or challenges that you know you won’t be concerned with in a few weeks, let alone a few days! You are taking on a new chapter, and although that comes with certain difficulties, it brings even greater rewards along with it. It’s time now for you to ground yourself and focus on practical matters. The energy of October is encouraging you to take a step back and evaluate your long-term goals. Are you still on the right path? Have you been too impulsive lately in your actions? Again, the Page of Pentacles is advising you to adopt a more patient and methodical approach to your ambitions and let go of these heavy, irrational emotional responses to mistakes and misfortunes. Now is the time for building a solid foundation for your future. Save your money, time, and energy this month. Stow it away for the right people and opportunities instead of spending it all so frivolously. Look for opportunities to expand your skills or invest in your education as a better outlet for your attention. This month, I see your dedication and hard work paying off right before your eyes!

September 2023

three of pentacles tarot card

Three of Pentacles: Aries, when the three of pentacles shows up, it’s a message to lean into collaboration and support from the people around you. Remember that you don’t need to do it all alone, and trying to support the masses while you slowly feel yourself drifting away doesn’t do well for anyone involved—including you. If you’re feeling like you’re running on empty lately, this is time where you’d benefit from removing the pressure you’re putting on yourself and instead outsource some (if not most) of what’s on your plate to make some breathing room.

By the time Libra season arrives on the 23rd, you’ll have several opportunities to connect with the types of people you’ve been hoping for. Of all of the people you were meant to meet and love in this lifetime, only a small percentage of them have arrived. But this month you’ll be reminded of how many people there are out on this planet that are not only like-minded, but like-hearted as well. I see you ending the month of September feeling excited and nourished by the connections you’ve made as well as those you’ve chosen to foster and lean on. So give yourself a hand—and let others do the same for you!

August 2023

eight of wands tarot

Eight of Wands: Aries, with the eight of wands I see you using August to take a trip somewhere magical; but if you’re planning on staying home this month, it might indicate a journey within. Regardless, it seems like the month of August is all about learning who you are and what you want out of life by introducing new experiences and information into your world. With the North node recently entering your sign and lighting up your first house of self-expression and identity, you may find it easier to express yourself and go after what you want in life than ever before. August will encourage you to ascend to great heights in your life, but all of it starts with you becoming more authentically yourself, Aries.

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