temperance tarot card

Are you ready to find out what’s in store for 2023, dear Libra? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you become who you’ve always dreamed of being. Just remind yourself that energetic change can be a good thing—it simply allows you to ascend into a new chapter of your life. The question is: Can you show up more authentically and patiently for yourself? Are you open to where the tarot horoscopes are guiding you?

Read on to see what’s in store for your sign in the year ahead with your monthly tarot horoscope, Libra. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.

Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at themeghanrose.com and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.

December 2023

Temperance: Using this month to abstain from the unhealthy patterns you’ve been building up will help you find the clarity that you are seeking. Instead of giving yourself another day that you will feel guilt or regret towards, take one small step each day toward the life that you are ready to step into. This is a great month for reading, writing, spending time on your hobbies, crafting, and baking at home. You will feel much better by giving yourself happy activities to look forward to each day of the month that can keep your mind at peace. Even just an hour of diving into something special can change your perspective on how a day is going.

November 2023

Image may contain Text Label Human Person Advertisement and Poster eight of pentacles

Eight of Cups: It’s time to move on, Libra. As difficult as this situation may feel for you, out of control even, your spirit team is guiding you toward a new reality. This next chapter of your life is going to be filled with all that you need and deserve, and this is important for you to understand. Leaving something (or someone) behind feels like ripping off a bandage, it’s painful at the moment, and there may even be a bit of a sting afterward, but it’s worth it in the end. Let yourself go through this process of change and loss in order to get to the life that you desire. If you’re feeling like you are stagnant in your work environment, this may start to pick up before the month is over. You may even potentially want to leave it all and start something completely new and different. If this requires taking a lower position in a new industry or going back to school, just know that this period of punishment won’t last for long. Once you align with the right things, it won’t take as long to work yourself back up to the top as it did before with the wrong path.

October 2023

ace of cups tarot card

Ace of Cups: Libra, the month of October is bringing you more than just birthday celebrations—although wearing your birthstone can help remind you of how special this time of the year is. When the Ace of Cups arrives, it signals emotional fulfillment and moments of newfound joy. You are not tied to the pain of your past or the habits that you used to identify with. Be willing to say, “Wow, I’m surprised at how good this turned out!” a few times this month. There is also a heavy finger pointing in the direction of potential new love, or the deepening of an existing romantic relationship. This card taps into the deepest desires of the heart and asks us to believe in the possibility of our wildest dreams to come true. I promise you that you don’t have to suffer in the waiting period for these dreams to come to life. They are on their way, Libra. When your heart is open and you’re ready to embrace the joys of life, they will arrive. Be receptive to love in all of its forms—whether that’s a romantic connection, a new friendship, or a creative endeavor that finally fills each crevice of your soul. Now is a time for emotional renewal and connecting with your innermost desires above all else. Let your heart guide you, and you will find that love and happiness are right in front of you this October.

September 2023

six of swords tarot

Six of Swords: Libra, with so much of your pain being cleared out after Venus stations direct in Leo on the 3rd, I see you feeling that your sense of purpose is back. If you’ve recently left a relationship, a job, a living situation, or some combination of these, it seems the month of September is going to be much smoother sailing for you.

The six of swords represents leaving a failing situation so you can finally move toward the beautiful oasis that sits on the horizon. Your life is represented by this journey from one island to the next. When you are able to look back with a smile to the life that you’ve left behind, you’ll know that you are in a state of surrender. Life does not always go the way that we planned, and that’s actually for the best. Without your thinking mind weighing you down, you can better see all that the universe has to offer you. The new oasis that you are headed toward seems to be the missing puzzle piece to the issues you had faced in the months leading up to this moment. You are meant for more than where you came from, and it seems September will be the first time you can see this for yourself.

August 2023

Image may contain Human Person and Gate

Eight of Swords: Libra, I see you sitting in a self-imprisoned state of mind that was brought on by fear. Although this imprisonment seems real and tangible to you now, it’s actually a figment of your imagination. The eight of swords shows up when there is a reminder to release yourself from suffering, so my current suggestion is to be gentle with yourself. You cannot move forward from pain when you are being so hard on yourself. Your only steps now are to get your thoughts and words straight regarding this painful situation, and start to give it both time and action to pan out.

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