Marina Ruy Barbosa Wore Vintage Chanel To 'The Count of Monte Cristo' Cannes Film Festival Premiere

Brazilian actress Marina Ruy Barbosa attended the Cannes Film Festival premiere of ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ on Wednesday evening. 

You’re definitely not alone if you’re feeling the ‘Barbie’ vibes from Marina in this vintage Chanel Spring 1987 gown.

The charm, flair, and meticulous styling of her look evokes a playful yet sophisticated aesthetic that is reminiscent of Barbie’s iconic fashion sense.

Marina truly does look like she just stepped off the set of Warner Bros. studios, embodying the timeless elegance and fun spirit associated with the beloved doll.

The vintage Chanel gown, with its distinctive design and vibrant appeal, ensured this outing was both nostalgic and refreshingly chic.

Chanel Spring 1987

Credit: SAMEER AL-DOUMY/AFP via Getty Images / Pinterest

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