Isabelle Huppert Wore Balenciaga To The Venice Film Festival Closing Ceremony

Isabelle Huppert, Jury President of this year’s Venice Film Festival, ended the event on a high note, as she stepped onto the red carpet for the festival’s closing ceremony on Saturday opting once again for Balenciaga.

Her Balenciaga Pre-Fall 2024 gown, a minimalist yet striking white design, evoked a sense of divinity. One couldn’t help but notice the undeniable religious allusions, with Isabelle almost resembling a modern-day Pope Joan—the legendary figure who, according to myth, became the first and only female pontiff. The gown’s high collar and structured design lent a papal air, and while the comparison may sound fanciful, there’s something undeniably powerful about how she carried this look with the same authority she brings to her roles.

In contrast to her opening look for the festival, this outing felt more polished. Where her first Balenciaga appearance felt almost rushed, as if Isabelle had been handed the gown moments before stepping out.  This time the details had been clearly attended to. The fabric free of wrinkles was a far cry from the slightly crumpled fabric of her first look, and the improvement was palpable.

However, even with such a regal and refined appearance, not everything worked perfectly. The heavy eyeliner, which framed her eyes in a way that seemed at odds with the softness of the gown. Isabelle is no stranger to bold makeup choices, but this particular decision felt out of sync with the serene, almost holy, vibe of her dress.

Still, this closing night look marks a significant improvement over her earlier appearance. Isabelle’s choice was a reflection of her own persona—unconventional, bold, and eternally chic.

It was a fitting end to her tenure as Jury President, leaving us with a final image that will resonate long after the festival ends.

Balenciaga Pre-Fall 2024

Credit: Stephane Cardinale – Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images /

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