Take time over the next few weeks to consider what it is that you would like to change in your life, and start taking baby steps in that direction. This does not need to be done in the traditionally reactionary Aries way, but instead as the first page of a new chapter where you bring consciousness and calculation to each one of your moves. If you need more alone time to get to know yourself, take it. You are stepping into a chapter where your insecurities can no longer be used against you as you embrace and integrate each part of who you are. What you view as your flaws and shortcomings are about to turn into your unique strengths.
March 2022
Nine of Pentacles: This month is all about you walking down your individual path and making your life feel more aligned with your truth than ever before. It may be time for you to start speaking up and voicing your opinions regularly to the people around you. Whether this is in your personal relationships, at work, or within your family, I sense that there’s been a bit of tension between you and your own “progress” or thinking that you need to be further along your path than you are. This message is coming through strongly from your guides: “You’ve asked for a very fruitful life, and others are willing to settle in ways that you wouldn’t be. Hold on. We just need a bit more time.”
If you’ve been struggling financially, there could be more than one new opportunity this month to turn that monetary frown upside down. Rather than fretting excessively about how much you’re spending, one helpful strategy could be to instead focus on how much you’re making. The current struggles you have with your finances could be a thing of the past if you’re willing to trust your gut with the business decisions that present themselves to you over the next few weeks. You may even feel called to change your career path altogether. If so, you have so many tools in your tool belt, but it wouldn’t hurt to study your options and take a calculated next step before April arrives. You’ve got this!
February 2022
Queen of Wands: My fiery Aries, you are going to burn brighter than ever before in the month of February if you can tap into your confidence! You will have opportunities to be seen in brand-new ways, but the question here is: Are you ready to be fully vulnerable? If there is any part of you that is hesitant to open up and be subjected to ridicule or rejection in the pursuit of shining more brightly, you may not be able to reap the benefits of putting yourself out there. You will be graciously rewarded for stepping outside your comfort zone this month and making your opinions, talents, and voice known in a bigger way than ever before.
However, you will need to make sure that you’re making decisions from a pure-hearted place. Ask yourself what you’re making moves toward, then ask yourself why. And after you get the answer? Ask why again. And again. And again. Do not allow your life to be lived in vain, Aries. You have a true purpose here, but you can pursue that purpose with or without intention. Make sure that you choose the intentional pathway this month. The key to getting where you want to go is not what you’re doing but how you’re doing it.
January 2022
The Emperor: Aligned and divine, my Aries friend! You are starting off 2022 fully in your power, and the only person you need to thank is yourself. In the month of January you could receive notice of an unexpected challenge that will have you questioning yourself and your strength. This will be a perfect opportunity to build a deeper sense of trust within yourself. Instead of approaching January with a fearful “what if?” attitude, go into it with a more confident “even if….” You’ve got this! You could be parting ways with someone emotionally or physically; whether this is a move to a new home space or a conscious uncoupling, you will be met with a warm welcome by the people in your life who are waiting for you on the other side of this transition.
If you’ve felt closed off to love recently, expect that to shift with a sudden change of heart. You are not expected to go toward anyone specific, but it will benefit you to follow your gut and continue to engage with the people who light you up and leave you smiling hours after you’ve parted ways. Take it slow, be present, and ultimately remind yourself that if it can work for others, it can most definitely work for you too! If you’re already coupled, I see a lot of you taking a trip with your partner; if you don’t have the time, money, or energy to take a vacation, why not go deeper inward together? I see tantra, couple’s therapy, and intimacy workshops on the horizon for the Aries who are willing to explore their connections more deeply. Have fun, let yourself laugh, and start to enjoy the process of loving again.