Build a DTC Brand with Jen Rubio | Course Overview

This is module 1 of our Build a DTC Brand course with Jen Rubio. In this course you will learn how to plan, launch, grow and sustain a DTC brand. You’ll discover the key principles of entrepreneurship and industry leading strategies for brand management, and you’ll dive into essential concepts including: brand identity, product development, market positioning, online and offline retailing, marketing touchpoints, innovation and financing. Explore the full Direct-To-Consumer course here.

Module Overview

Your course expert outlines a brief history of significant fashion branding moments, before explaining what DTC brands are and why they are so prominent today. In this chapter you’ll also learn about the process of entrepreneurship and the main frameworks that fashion founders can utilise when creating new business ventures to reduce risk and secure success.Includes strategies and tools for:

  • Explaining the DTC, start-up and entrepreneurship ecosystems.
  • Example frameworks to apply to new ventures e.g. the lean start-up model.

Module Materials

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