Here are some great ideas and tricks to organize your college dorm room. These hacks will give you a more organized space.
If you have browsed the back-to-school flyers, you will know that they make dorm rooms look as good as model homes. They turn that shoebox of a room into a gorgeous living space filled with color-coordinated accessories. They even have pens to match the flower print bedspread. In reality, you don’t need to worry about coordinating your towels to your pillowcases; you need tips and tricks that will keep you organized. A cute blanket would be nice, but fitting all of your necessities while conserving space is the key. These clever hacks will help you organize all of your school essentials, makeup, and clothes, so you will still have a bit of floor space left for that furry rug you have to buy.
Check out 15 hacks for organizing your college dorm room:
1. Closet Rack

Don’t let the prime space at the bottom of your closet go to waste. Get a small shoe rack or shelf that will fit inside, so you can store all of your shoes and accessories.
2. Folding T-Shirts

Provided you do this with shirts that don’t require ironing; this is a great way to save space in your too-small drawers. Though what college student bothers to iron their clothes anyway?
3. Class Bins

If you have to carry more to class than just a notebook, this divided storage unit will make your life so much easier. You don’t want to become known as the girl who always forgets her safety glasses and has to interrupt the professor to ask for an extra pair.
4. Cord Labels

With cords for your computer, iPad, fan, mini-fridge, and five lights, it can quickly become confusing–and that is before things get tangled. This clever idea lets you know which cord belongs to which device, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally unplugging your light instead of your computer. (Provided you label them right in the first place.)
5. Cord Box

If you don’t want to see all of those unsightly cords, conceal them in this easy-to-make box. It also doubles as a convenient storage spot, so you don’t have to worry about losing your phone charger again.
6. Jewelry Organization

I don’t know what your school’s rules are about hanging things on the wall, but if you’re allowed (or able to conceal the holes), this will prevent you from having to untangle necklace knots. Plus, you get to admire all of your pretty pieces.
7. Makeup Organizing

You may have a massive makeup case that holds your 10 lipsticks and 20 nail polishes, but do you really want to rifle through that thing every morning looking for your mascara? Even if you just put your essentials in a divider like this, your beauty routine will become much quicker (and less stressful).
8. Double Hangers

You have probably seen the infomercials for those multi-layer hangers that allow you to hang a few pieces of clothing off one contraption. It’s great if you can buy a few of those, but this invention costs the price of a can a pop (which you can probably purchase using your meal plan). Just don’t hang anything too heavy off the pop can tabs.
9. Hanging Storage

Don’t despair if your roommate got the bottom bunk and all of the storage that comes with it. You can buy (or DIY) a hanging organizer to keep all of your stuff. This could be used almost anywhere, including the back of a chair.
10. Cosmetics Holder

This won’t work so well in the communal bathrooms, but if you share a bathroom with a few other people, this is much better than covering the entire shower floor with different shampoos and soaps.
11. Paper Clip Cord Holder

You probably bought some paper clips for college because you thought your essays would be so big that you couldn’t staple them. I doubt you will have to write anything that long unless you are taking a novel-writing class, so use them to keep your cords handy.
12. School Supplies Organizer

I don’t know why a lot of dorm desks don’t have a drawer in them. To make up for the poor design while saving on space, put all of your small school supplies in individual spice jars. Not only will it keep them tidy, it looks cool too.
13. Belts And Scarves

Scarves and belts are awkward because you never really know if they’re supposed to go in a drawer or be hung up. The best space-saving method is to hang them up on one suit hanger. You can use plastic rings and old hoop earrings or tie the scarves around the bottom bar. I would put the belts through the hanger loop and stack them up.
14. School Supplies Box

If you don’t have a spice rack, you can take it from your parent’s house and organize your school supplies with an old shoebox. Keep each item neat by placing them in toilet paper rolls. Don’t forget to decorate it—genius and cheap.
15. Deadline Calendar

Finally, it is just as important to stay organized with your classes as it is with your dorm room. A massive to-do board calendar allows you to keep track of what assignments you have to due. Trust me; it is much more effective than putting those deadlines in your phone.
(Photo: luanateutzi/Shutterstock)