Your weekly horoscope has arrived. The rundown for this week? Challenge yourself to make hard and fast decisions. Take pit stops but don’t get bogged down in data or detail. In all things love, rose-tinted mist rolls in over the week, so cultivate your heart and relationships like a lovely garden. Pull up weeds and water with everything that makes it bloom! Take actions that establish and fortify for the long haul and ditch the doom scrolling. 

Read your weekly horoscope below to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of April 3 through April 9, 2022.

March 21–April 19


With this month’s emphasis on your sign, life is moving quickly. Don’t lose sleep over plans going off-road; keep driving and roll with it. Adjust your GPS on the hoof (pardon the pun) and just do the best with what you’ve got knowing you did what you could, and that’s good enough. The balance to this week is an emphasis on your Zen zone. When you close the door on work, duty, enjoy some personal quiet time. Find a show to watch, paint, read a book or download a fav meditation app and use it daily. 

April 20–May 20


If your social sector was a magazine, it would be a glossy, crystal-infused fashion/art/mystic combo, so channel all of the above and take up invites that come your way. Glam up when you go out, or draw on hippie inspo for spring and rock the 90’s Drew Barrymore daisy, carefree, love everyone vibe. Balance by practicing non-attachment—to drama, demands, or anything else that threatens your luster. Organize a group gallery and lunch date, or try out a class with random but like-minded strangers to fluff up your routine. Act on intuition for a decisive career move around Thursday. 

May 21–June 21


Give your professional relationships all the love this week, as they are set to be more fulfilling than usual. The stars align as someone very different to you just seems to click. Both must be free to be yourselves. Give your work visuals a makeover by updating your font, colors, or headshot. Or is it time for a complete rebrand? Thursday, you have the opportunity to establish a great intellectual connection with a group or friend. Launch that pod, reach out to that person or share your thoughts on a topic so others who resonate can find you. 

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