Even better, I can pack it knowing that I won’t run out of reading material—once I’m done, I can find a Wi-Fi signal and download the next one. It’s a far cry from the time that I had to pack the entire The Three-Body Problem series for a vacation in Europe, with each one of the three books weighing as much as a small toddler. (Come for the aliens, stay for the aliens.) If anything, it’s how I was able to rebound after Song of Achilles with Pachinko*—*which, in retrospect, was a terrible idea and led to a full month of crying.

The ideal dinner companion.

What’s also been a newfound game-changer is that you can hook it up to your local library. I’m a card-carrying member of the New York Public Library, and through the magic of technology (and the Libby app), I can now place on hold or borrow Kindle-friendly ebooks for $0; I just download them to my Kindle via a link. Libraries are essential for both democracy and also me, and it’s really gratifying to be able to a) read for free, and b) support my local branch.

And, yes, while I could absolutely put on pants and walk over to the library myself, the convenience of doing it all from the comfort of my couch makes it that more enticing. Even better? The library automatically returns the e-book on your due date—in other words, no fines.

That said, I do own the OG Kindle, a.k.a. the most basic version in the game. Would I love to, at some point, upgrade to the Paperwhite version that warms or cools the whiteness of the page based on the time of day? Absolutely. Would I enjoy not having cheesy book ads on the lock screen? Yes, and yes—and I just might, seeing that all Kindles are on a sweet, sweet discount for Amazon Prime Day 2022.

But at the end of the day, my Kindle does what it needs to—it gives me the books I want to read, whenever and wherever I go. If that’s not a luxury, I’m not sure what is.

Looking for more deals? Shop the latest and greatest markdowns across Amazon Prime Day 2022, including fashion, beauty, books, under-$50 deals, under-$100 deals—and the rival sales that are bringing the heat.

Deanna Pai is a beauty writer in New York City. Follow her on Instagram @deannapai.

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