You had one of the best responses to trolls I’ve ever seen: “I’d like to thank all the people who have taken the time during this busy holiday season to reach out and explain to me that I actually am a man.” What do you have to say to trolls today, and what advice do you have for people who are dealing with them? 

The main one is sort of the same message from that tweet, which is: None of you are saying anything new. You’ve got the same three arguments, all of which I’ve heard, all of which I argued to myself before coming out. You’re not going to blow my mind with any of this. 

And to people that are coming out, I would say that yes, there are “haters” out there, but the benefits of coming out and living your true self are so much greater than you can even imagine until you’ve experienced it. I’ve gotten so much more out of being myself. I wouldn’t be here today, I wouldn’t have been successful on Jeopardy, I wouldn’t have met my wife. Everything about my life now started with my choice to come out.

If you could go back in time and tell the younger version of yourself one thing, what would it be?

“You’re a girl,” obviously, would be the main one. Because when I was a kid, there was no such thing as trans people. Obviously, they existed, but we didn’t use that word, so it wasn’t anything that existed in my mental universe. Just having known that was an option, that was a thing people could be, I wouldn’t have been so confused by myself and so shut off from the world in the way that I was.

GLAAD Award Special Recognition winner Amy Schneider at the 33rd annual GLAAD Media Awards at The Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills on April 02, 2022Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images

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