
Thursday trundles round once again, bringing with it the same test of 15 vaguely topical and general knowledge questions, sweetened by a selection of predictable in-jokes, and the knowledge that if there was a quirky story about an animal on the Guardian website in the previous seven days, it will almost certainly feature here. There are no prizes, it is just for fun. Let us know how you got on in the comments.

The Thursday quiz, No 96

  1. 1.JAWS: The Progress Shark, a 10-metre model of a shark wearing a swimming leotard in LGBTQ+ colours, has become the symbol of Pride in which Australian city?

  2. 2.I DIDN’T SEE YOU THERE: Which country, using new mapping techniques (not pictured), has discovered that it has 7,000 more islands than it previously thought?

    Mappa mundi

  3. 3.REPLACING WHAT WAS LOST: English Heritage unveiled a memorial at Lindisfarne Priory, in Northumberland, to which saint, replacing one taken down during Henry VIII’s dissolution of the monasteries?


  4. 4.GCSE SCIENCE WRITTEN BY AN AI: The Thursday quiz asked ChatGPT to “please write a multiple choice question about forces in physics aimed at GCSE students” and it said “What is Newton’s second law of motion?”


  5. 5.SCIENCE BUT NOW IN THE PAST: On 23 February 1927, which theoretical physicist (not pictured) wrote to Wolfgang Pauli outlining his uncertainty principle for the first time?

    Boris Johnson

  6. 6.THE LEFTWING ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT WITH LIZ TRUSS: According to the London Stock Exchange’s own website, where and when was it first founded?

    Liz Truss

  7. 7.HAPPY BIRTHDAY: It would have been enthusiastic diary writer Samuel Pepys’ birthday today! Happy birthday, Samuel! You sure wrote a lot of stuff down! What was the date of the first entry in his famous diary?

    Samuel Pepys

  8. 8.NOW THAT IS AS OLD AS I FEEL: The 4,500-year-old Sumerian Lord Palace of the Kings has been excavated giving unprecedented insight into Sumerian times. Where?

    Cuneform tablet

  9. 9.HIGHER OR LOWER WITH TONY YEBOAH: This week the Leeds United legend wants to know which of these four options is the tallest structure in the beautiful Scottish capital of Edinburgh?

    Tony Yeboah

  10. 10.OOOPS: A curious visitor at an art fair in Miami tapped a sculpture of a balloon dog by a famous artist and it smashed to smithereens. Hashtag awkward. Which artist?


  11. 11.IT’S A DOG’S LIFE: This is Willow, the official dog of the Guardian Thursday quiz, on a train. She was delighted to learn that a puppy running alongside train tracks last week had been rescued by a trainee driver. But where?

    Willow, the official dog of the Guardian Thursday quiz

  12. 12.SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Which of these is the correct order for the first four solo studio albums released by the Grammy-record-holding artist Beyoncé?


  13. 13.VEXILLOLOGY CORNER: Which three colours are in the flag of Bolivia?


  14. 14.MATHS WITH GOTHS: The bouncer at the Banshee in Manchester says they like your backcombed hair, but you can’t come in unless you can recite Pythagorus’ theorem. Which is …


  15. 15.BON VOYAGE: That is a 1974 Sparks song that also featured in the musical Annette. But which animal said bon voyage to New York zoo, and keepers say they are now going to leave it to live in Central Park as they haven’t been able to catch it and it seems to be doing fine?

    Ron from Sparks

If you think there has been an egregious error in one of the questions or answers, please feel free to email but remember the quiz master’s word is final and he doesn’t actually work on Thursdays at the moment.

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