I don’t like mayonnaise. Or at least I don’t like the kind that comes in jars, however fancy they may be – too sweet or vinegary or gloopy for my taste – and, sadly, I’m far too lazy to make the traditional version I do like more than once in a blue moon. Happily, though, I’ve discovered that you can make great mayonnaise with far less effort. All you need is a blender.
Prep 5 min
Makes 250ml
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp mustard
1 tbsp cold water
1 tsp vinegar
225ml neutral oil
25ml extra-virgin olive oil
1 Use a stick blender
It’s difficult to make an ordinary-sized batch of mayonnaise in most food processors, because the amounts are too small to emulsify in such a large space. It’s much easier, however, with a stick (also known as an immersion) blender, so long as you have a jar or jug that’s only slightly wider than the head of your blender. If it’s too wide, it won’t work.
2 Egg yolk before oil
Put the egg yolk in the jug – anything will do, provided it’s sufficiently narrow (see step 1) and tall enough to hold all the oil later, though a glass one makes life easier. If you want a rich, distinctively egg-flavoured mayonnaise, use two egg yolks; and, for a lighter one, use a whole egg. Whichever you choose, it needs to go into the jug before the oil.
3 Add any flavourings, and some water
I like dijon mustard and white-wine vinegar, but any sort of mustard and vinegar will do, as will a clove of crushed garlic, a small bunch of finely chopped soft herbs, etc, plus a tablespoon of cold water, which will help the mixture come together.

4 Pour the oils on top of the yolk
If you don’t want to use extra-virgin olive oil, substitute another strongly flavoured oil. Or, for a milder flavour, simply add 25ml more of your original neutral oil instead. (Note: you don’t need to be exact about the amount of oil; an egg yolk can take far more than this without splitting.)
5 Blend
Leave to settle for 30 seconds, then place your stick blender on the bottom of the jug, on top of the yolk, and switch on. Blend, keeping the blender pressed against the base, until you see white mayonnaise begin to billow out from underneath, at which point you can very slowly begin to draw the head up the jar, still blending as you go, until all the oil is incorporated.
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6 Problems? Don’t panic!
If your mayonnaise is thin and lumpy, leave it to settle for a few minutes, then slowly repeat the process above. If that still doesn’t work, put a couple of tablespoons of cold water into a new jug with a little of the split mixture, then repeat, blending in the remainder gradually, until it’s all incorporated.
7 A blank canvas
Season to taste, then stir in any extra flavourings as desired. As well as chopped herbs (wild garlic, for example), you could stir in grated citrus zest (in which case you might want to use citrus juice instead of the vinegar in step 3), smoked paprika or curry powder, or make a tartare sauce by adding finely chopped capers, shallots, parsley and gherkins. The possibilities are almost limitless.

8 For a bigger batch …
To make a larger amount of mayonnaise (note that, though it will keep in the fridge for a few days, it won’t last as long as the commercial stuff), use the small bowl of a food processor or blender instead. Put two egg yolks, two tablespoons of mustard and two teaspoons of vinegar in there (or substitute as above) and whizz for 30 seconds, until well combined.

9 … and add the oil slowly
If the feed tube has a small hole in the bottom, fill with as much of 450ml neutral oil as possible and leave it to drip slowly into the yolk mixture as the motor runs. If not, turn on the machine and drip the oil in the top. Once it begins to thicken, you can add the oil more quickly, followed by 50ml extra-virgin olive oil. Finish by seasoning to taste.